What You Must Know!

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Know This:

For Placement & Penetration
To Work, You Need To Be Able To Do The Following:

Rapid Incapacitation of The Threat(s):

  1. Striking Vital Areas That Are Critical for Life

    1. Requires
      1. A Dependable, Accurate Handgun, Rifle, Etc.

      2. One Must Have A Commanding Degree of Shooting Skill.

  2. Effective Wounding of Threat(s)

    1. Requires
      1. This demands a Large Permanent Hole. From:

        1. A Bullet That Expands Reliably and/or,

        2. Big Bullet Diameter

  3. The Projectile Should
    1. Have Deep Penetration

    2. Be A Heavy Weight Bullet

  4. Multiple Hits To (If Using 0.22 Caliber):

    1. Center of Mass (Upper & Lower Major Blood Vessels and Upper Spine–In Throat Area)

    2. Brain Via Eye Socket, Under Ear Lobe, Teeth to the Brain Stem (Midbrain, Pons, Medulla Oblongata)

    3. Any Shot To The Brain Stem Consisting of The Midbrain, Pons, And The Medulla Oblongata, Is Considered

      Instant Incapacitation



    To Do The Above, One Must Know The Anatomy;


    Brain Stem


    Brain Stem With Arrow


    Brain With Animated Gif Showing Brain Stem Parts


    Head 1.jpg

    0.22 Bullet Through Eyes

    Ear Shot With Any Bullet

    0.22 Bullet Through Mouth

    Shoot For The Center of Mass!

    If Threat Does Not Drop Out Of The Sights; Don't Scan...Do The Following...

    You've Got It!

    This Is The Center of Mass! If Assailant Does Not Go Down Immediately, Raise The Sights To The Cranial Vault Region. Two Shots To Each Place.

    Center of Mass Shot!

        Learn And Memorize the above charts, animated gifs, such that it becomes automated in your mind when someone is trying to kill you, where you shoot to incapacitate the threat(s). But, first, YOU must have awareness before this Big Event in your life comes to you! Then, do the right thing. Keep in mind the Threat(s) brought the fight to you; but, you — being aware, finished the fight and are the winner.

        There is no shame in being a winner. Keep in mind When David Slew Goliath, he did not become remorseful, develop Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome; or, have Sexual Dysfunctions and/or seek the help of psychiatrists! He was a winner; not a loser. There was no need for him to become remorseful, depressed, seek help, or otherwise. He won the fight that was brought to him!

    Hence, Watch The Video Below & Pay Particular Attention To The Color Codes of Readiness

        Then, go to a safe range and practice and practice. First, get proper instruction from a top, qualified instructor who knows the PTSS was created by the 'Publish or Perish' group for the Courts, and the Law Enforcement, etc. See, The Modern Technique of The Pistol by Gregory Boyce Morrison, Jeff Cooper, Editorial Adviser. Here, he says:

    When David slew Goliath no one recorded that he went into shock; nor did Theseus when he slew the Minotuar, nor did Andy Jackson when he killed Dr. Dickinson in a duel; nor did Teddy Roosevelt when he was set upon in a frontier bar; nor did Eduardo Grijalva when he shot down two assassins in front of his office in San Salvador. Nor, we may assume, did the great majority of those police officers and private citizens who have had to shoot to defend themselves on the streets of the United States.

    It may be proposed that the military situation is emotionally different from the civilian, and in a sense it may be, but upon reflection it is obvious that any resulting P.O.T. [Post Operational Trauma] ought to be more of a problem for the soldier . . . . The enemy one kills in war may be a splendid fellow; brave, clean, reverent, truthful, and so on. But a predatory felon who victimizes innocent non–combatants on the street is a proven goblin, sentenced by his own initiative. Some men may be upset by killing him, but not anyone I have met.

    But there must be something to this matter of P.O.T. It could not be so well described if there had not been a couple of police officers who experienced it. It is my belief, however, that it is primarily a public relations innovation designed to parry various sorts of preposterous litigation which have become common in our courts.

    Policemen are now instructed by their supervisors that, should they become involved in a fight, their attitude upon its conclusion should be one of shock, dismay, horror and hysteria. This is to present a proper picture for the press. In actuality what they usually feel is pleased and proud.


    Because They Were A Winner—Not A Loser!

    They Came Out of A Lethal Encounter


    Mental Conditioning For Combat
    Col. Jeff Cooper, Founder of Gunsite


    Mental Conditioning for Combat As Taught By Col. Cooper

    A Special Lecture from Dr. “B”

    When the time comes that you have to use your gun skills, will you be able to? Teaching a man or a woman marksmanship is relatively easy. Learning how to shoot and shoot well is a combination of various physical skills that must all come together at the proper time. But shooting is the easy part when it comes to a lethal confrontation and you realize you will have to deploy your skills against another human being wanting to kill you. The physical part of shooting is the easy part, and the easiest to teach. When you are involved in a lethal confrontation, an intricate combination of mental and physical skills are involved, and the shooting part is the easy part.

    When a lethal encounter arrives in your life, chances are you will have a large target at short range, and you will have plenty of time to engage that target. But only if you have conditioned your mind such that you are ready to act when the situation requires action.

    Many a marksman who can “blow a target away” under all sorts of demanding contest conditions has wound up either wounded or dead in an actual lethal encounter. The reason is because the marksman has never considered what he will do if he is ever confronted by another human being who wants to kill him, and even though the threat is extremely close, he fires until his gun is empty and never hits the threat even once. The reason is because the marksman was preoccupied by things that he should have already considered long before this encounter. He is in an unsatisfactory mental condition for actual combat and he misses easy shots every time.

    When the time comes that you must employ lethal force, you must have prepared your mind well beforehand, or you will end up like that marksman. You do this by thinking through this situation in advance.

    If someone is trying to kill you, you are justified in the eyes of the law to try to stop him. Stopping him means stopping his attack. He might die, and he might not die, but the attack on you is halted. Under Common Law, when you are attacked, you can use what force is necessary to save your life. You can only stop him. You cannot take revenge, or chase after him after the attack has stopped. That is the province of the law. Otherwise, you are acting like Judge, Jury, and Court.

            When The Aggression Stops

    The Use of Lethal Force Must Cease!

    The purpose of the pistol is to stop the fight, not to kill someone. The pistol is intended to stop the attacker from fighting. The fight must stop. Your life is more important than his because he attacked you. You must fit your mind into doing the right thing at the necessary time.

    If you kill someone, it is a personal matter, and you will have to live with it. However, as Dr. "B" points out in his classes,

    "They attacked someone who knew the law and knew what they were doing. Your job was to stop the attack; such that you put them down whereby they cannot twitch their little trigger finger and still kill you! If they die, that is their fault—not yours for saving your life or another and being a winner! Whether or not you were justified has much to do with how you feel about it and the circumstances. You feared for physical bodily injuries, psychological too, for self and/or another.

    Keep in mind, they attacked the wrong person! You knew what you were doing; they did not by attacking you. They brought the fight to you; not you to them; hence, you finished the fight!

    Do Not Engage In Any Conversation. The Threat(s) will try to get you to talking to place you behind the action curve. If you see them first, and are at a strong position, protected, gun in hand in a strong shooting position, you can shout 'Police', Drop the Weapons! You are calling for help by the vociferation, not saying you are the police; however, the criminal mind may well think you are the police.

    I suggest to go into action and keep your mouth shut! Keep in mind, They Brought The Fight To You; Not You To Them! Wherever it went down at. Put them down such that they cannot 'twitch' their little trigger finger.

    Therefore, you must begin now to prepare your mind and actions for that future encounter. Here is how you do it. If you kill someone, it is a personal matter, and you will have to live with it. However, as Dr. "B" points out in his classes, "They just attacked someone who knew what they were doing!" Whether or not you were justified has much to do with how you feel about it—"Were you faced with Maxiofacial Injuries, possibly broken bones, rape, surgery from blunt or edge weapons, about to be bludegeoned to death or beyond recognition with their fist as they were two hundred pounds or more. The latter you will know only that they were much bigger and you were "In fear of serious bodily injury and/or death!" Therefore, you must begin now to prepare your mind for that future encounter.

    This Is Where You Begin.

    Right now, at this very moment, make up your mind, deliberately and with forethought, that, “This thing can happen to me. It could happen to me tonight. I may have to use my gun to save my life this very day.”

    Many a person’s last thought when confronted by an attacker was, “Oh, my God! This can’t be happening to me! It isn’t real.” While he is in denial that this is happening to him, he is often killed, and that was literally his last thought.

    Now that you have internalized the idea that this can happen to you, it is time to employ the Color Codes of Readiness. This is a simple manner of ordering your thinking, so that you are prepared and ready as a situation develops, and each of the four colors illustrates a condition that applies to the mind.

    1. WHITE: A person in Condition White is relaxed and unaware, and is totally unprepared to meet an attack. A person who is in Condition White and is attacked will usually only be saved by the inadequacy of the attacker.

    In one case, a man was in a warehouse he owned and reached for a couple of beers. An attacker stepped around the door and confronted him with a military style rifle. The man said,
    “Hey, you want a beer?” The attacker pulled the trigger of his rifle and it went “click.” The man called out again, “I said, do you want a beer?” The attacker pulled the charging handle of the rifle and pulled the trigger again, and once more, the rifle went, “click.” About that time, the man finally woke up to the fact that something was wrong.

    2. YELLOW: A person in Condition Yellow is relaxed but alert. He is generally alert, on the lookout for non-specific threats. You can live in Condition Yellow for the rest of your life. You are aware that the world is not a friendly place, that it could happen today, before you go to bed. You know that even if someone doesn’t have anything against you personally, he may want your wallet. In this condition, your eyes, your carriage, and your movements are your main weapons of defense. Your head is up, your eyes are on the alert for anything out of the ordinary, and you move well and with purpose. You do not plod along with your head down in a sheep-like attitude.

    Interestingly, eleven felons were shown film clips of various people on the street and asked which people they would attack, and which people they would avoid attacking. The correlation among all eleven felons was almost exact as to who would be easy, middling, or hard to attack. “This person would be an easy mark. This person should be avoided.” To a one, the people the felons said to avoid were those people whose carriage was erect and whose heads were up and whose eyes were constantly scanning the scene.

    One of Dr. “B”s favorite teaching scenarios was to take a group of students to a grocery store parking lot. There, they would make themselves comfortable and watch the shoppers as they came out of the grocery store and loaded their groceries into their cars. It didn’t take the students long to realize which persons would be easy marks for an attacker and which persons had best be left alone. And if the shopper was a woman who left her purse in her grocery basket while she loaded her groceries . . . she was an easy mark for any swift-footed thief to snatch her purse. By the time she noticed her purse was gone, the thief would have been long gone.

    3. ORANGE: A person in Condition Orange has noticed a specific circumstance that may develop into a threat. He is under “specific alert,” but the situation has not yet turned dangerous. He realizes he may have to take appropriate action, and he is willing to do so. He need only hold Condition Orange until the problem that got his attention has been resolved in some way. His gun may be in his hand, depending upon circumstances, and he realizes he may have to shoot, but he has not yet made the decision to shoot. He will not shoot until the threat does something specific that he, the shooter, has decided upon in advance. This constitutes a “mental trigger,” and that Mental Trigger may be something as simple as, “the threat moves toward me,” or “motion;” or, points a weapon at me.

    4. RED: A person in Condition Red realizes he is under attack. His “mental trigger” has gone off, and he is now in fighting mode. The “mental trigger” is a condition he has decided in advance will cause him to take action . . . “If he does such-and-such, I’ll do so-and-so.” His decision, in other words, has already been made, the trigger has occurred, and he is fully in charge of his actions. Even if the threat has the “drop” on him, he is not worried because he already knows what to do.

    Felons expect to be obeyed. When they tell you to “Lie down over there,” they expect you to do so at once, and by the time they realize you are not following orders, you often have plenty of time to turn the tables on them. When you don’t obey, it creates a short-circuit in his brain, and you may have time to hit him several times. You are in complete control, because he allowed; the felon, that is, himself to be placed behind the action curve.

    The Action Curve is 1/4 second (0.25 sec) behind the visual before you process the sight into action and respond on it. If you talk, this adds 0.50 seconds more to 0.25 seconds, and you are now 0.75 seconds behind the Action Curve! This, because you talked; or, answered questions, places you in a situation whereby a threat who knows this and has practiced this, has the 'drop' on you—all to no good for you.

    Chances are the threat does not know any of this, but, you have given him the opportunity to kill you, because talking or listening to him took your mindset off what you were going to do then and now for a second or two! In a gunfight, this can cost one their life.

    Shut–Up and know all the above and go Immediately Into Action to save Self, Family, and Innocents around you!

    If it ever does come to you, this mental conditioning, done in advance, will save your life.

  5. Now Dr. "B" Gives

    The Following:



        We said earlier

    When The Aggression Stops, The Use of Lethal Force Must Cease!
        However, this can get you killed, as it has many a police officer and civilian alike defending himself against a threat intent on doing the victim severe bodily injury or killing him.

        In Bullet Penetration, by Duncan MacPherson, a threat who makes a cerebral decision to 'fight through' to the death, may fall down, as has happened to cops, when they shoot him for presenting deadly force (a gun) against the officer. Then, wounded, the threat may not—and this has gotten cops killed, abandon the fight.

        But, the officer is bound by the 'law' given just above, and may go into low ready position, only to have the downed threat suddenly fire from the ground, hitting the police officer.

        This law enhances self preservation for threats when a shootout occurs with law enforcement personnel, Who Must Stop Using Lethal Force Since The Aggression Has Ceased. But, the situation is not 'Symmetrical', as MacPherson points out. They attempt to, and have succeeded in, killing the cop.

        The same 'Asymmetrical' situation exists for the law–abiding citizen trying to defend his life and family from the threat(s).

    What's One To Do?

    1. Use A Large Caliber Bullet, Weighing At Least 158 grains if using a .38 special. It can be a hollow point, or any other touted type, if they do what they are supposed to do.

    2. The Bullet Should Penetrate A Minimum of 12 Inches With Heavy Coat and/or Clothes On.

    3. Shoot Multiple Shots To The Center of Mass!

    4. If The Threat(s) Do Not Drop Out of The Sight, Raise The Sights To The Proper Cranial Vault Area And Shoot Multiple Shots.

    5. If Threat(s) Go Down With Gun Still In Hand, Move Lateral To Threat & Upward Beyond Head Region, Gaining Distance, while In Low–Ready Position, Watching Him Carefully. If He Turns Toward You With Gun In Hand, Shoot! Or, While He Is Down Before You Can Move Laterally, And Threat Is 'Twitching' His Trigger Finger In Your Direction—Shoot!

        Keep in mind, you are shooting to Incapacitate (to put down, such that the threat cannot twitch even his trigger finger). If he dies, the threat(s) made the mistake of attacking someone Not In Condition WHITE! You are prepared to defend your life against severe bodily injury or worse.

        You knew this could happen some day and spent time, money, and effort to learn how to recognize the danger and defend yourself against being injured or killed!


    The Best Self–Defense In A Gun Fight

    Shoot Fast!

    Don't Miss!


        The problem we see with so many people, the ordinary law–abiding citizen, when confronted with a threat at 3 a.m. in their bedroom; or elsewhere in their home:

        "Maybe he doesn't want to hurt me"; or, "He may be in the wrong house"; or, "He's drunk and made a mistake...." And, the excuses go on and on. These people, with gun in hand and this type of thinking, have ended up with broken bones, jaws & face torn beyond recognition with tire irons, bludgeons, or brutally raped and left for dead. Often, they are dead.


        Because They hesitated when confronted with a threat who had a weapon in/on their own premises.

        And the Victim talked themselves out of using their weapon immediately, because they did not prepare their Mind For Combat. They had the physical training; just enough for Concealed Carry, and nothing more! But did not take courses on preparing their mind for such a thing and consequently, thought, "This can't be happening to me...the other person in my space made a mistake."

        They sure did make a mistake if you know what you're doing through physical and mental training including the Color Codes of Readiness!


    Keep In Mind The Following:


    What Gets Innocent People Killed In Gun Fights:

    "Remember above all that the thing that kills innocent people in gunfights is their own morally-inbred hesitation to kill fellow beings. It is not a consideration shared by the criminals the private citizen may someday face."—In The Gravest Extreme. Massad F. Ayoob, p. 117.


    What Shooting Is:—Stressfire. Massad F. Ayoob, p. 8.

    And his videos.

    Shooting is a complex set of motor skills whereby a number of things must be brought to bear in split seconds.

    Those skills involve Movements that must be executed (Coordinates) to line the gun up with the target (indexing).

    • Coordinates:

    • Stance

    • Grip

    • Sight Alignment

    • Trigger Squeeze

    • Breath Control (no longer taught in most shooting circles because this happens automatically)

    • Follow Through--for a fraction of a second so as not to sling the projectile



    Dr "B" Is Constantly Asked:

    When Can I Shoot?


        There are four elements that must be present in order for one to use lethal force, otherwise the weapon stays holstered. These four elements must be present simultaneously, such that the use of deadly force is justified:

    1. Ability: Did the threat have the ability to cause me severe bodily injury or death.

    2. Opportunity: The threat(s) have the position to instigate powers of destruction to me or my family or a third–party innocent.

    3. Manifest Intent: (His actions made me believe I was in imminent jeopardy for immediate bodily harm or loss of my life).

    4. Preclusion: The threat(s) left me no choice but to use lethal force to protect myself against severe bodily injury or death.



    The Best Self–Defense In A Gun Fight

    Shoot Fast!

    Don't Miss!

    You Are Going To Need A Plan, Such As A:
    Safe Room

    Click Return Button To Return Here

    For What's Coming

    You Said, Shoot Where?

    Shoot Where?

        As The Economy Goes South

          Carjacking Will Increase!

             Can You Handle This?


        If someone runs in front of your vehicle, hoping to stop you, that person may have 'Layouts' to attack your vehicle, killing you and taking your vehicle. What's one to do? Keep going forward and run the threat down and keep going, as the cops will not get there in time, if they are still entering that area. That's how bad it will be shortly after the economy fails...and, even before it falls!

    They will even throw bricks through your windshield; or, bash out the passenger window and unlock the door and enter. We suggest wearing protective–lensed sunglasses, and if times are bad enough, installing tinted film on your windows to make it harder to see inside and to prevent the glass from shattering over you.


    Shoot Fast!

    Don't Miss!

    Here, We Show You One Modality, If A Threat Enters Your Vehicle From The Passenger's Side, However He Does It, Bashing In The Window To Unlock The Passenger's Door; Or, You Failed To Lock The Door—Do The Following:

    Practice With A Toy Pistol!

    Practice With A Toy Pistol!


    Another Modality!

    Pistol Has Been Sterilized!


    Overview of Watershed And Channel Sedimentation


    Enroute Icing!


    Recall This!

    From The January 1, 2016, ChembioWarFare Update Issue: 

    This Is What We Were Taught:

    "First, and foremost, you are responsible for every projectile that leaves your weapon. If it lands on someone's personal property, you will be the new owner of that property for an outlandish price. Therefore, one must be constantly aware of their backstop. They are told this; but, they do not practice this way at the various ranges I have been to throughout the globe!

    "Most ranges are not set up; especially indoor ranges, such that you can do what I have taught in the Colorado Mountains and elsewhere," Dr. "B" relates.

    "How does one defend themselves; their family; friends; or, innocents in a crowded room when suddenly, an 'Active Shooter' presents and starts taking out innocent lives?

    Active Shooter: What You Can Do About It!


    "Let us now, recall 'Slope' into our awareness, from our Map & Compass Studies. Slope is the angle projected, via a straight line, from the horizontal.

    In shooting in a crowded room; or, even in an open area, there will be humans as Backstops, if you shoot and put down an assailant. But, the risk is terribly high that you go through the assailant and injure or kill another human being that is not a threat.

    Hence, what's one to do?

    1. Practice in the privacy of your home; or, at a local outdoor range when it is rather deserted—early morning, or late before closing, and not on a weekend. Monday, I have found is a rather good day.

    2. Use A Toy Pistol that looks like a TOY!

    3. Present Weapon, go up to target—this will take intestinal fortitude, quickly approaching threat from backside, threat's side lateral; not from head on position.

      Practice For Multiple Shooters

      Their Different Positions & Learn To Evaluate Dangerous Situations Quickly!

      Practice For Multiple Shooters; Their Different Positions & Learn To Evaluate Dangerous Situations Quickly!

    4. Squat quickly to the ground, rocking back to buttocks—you may use non–dominant hand to break the squat to the ground; then, rock back to your backside...finger off trigger! Knees spread wide apart! As you get a proper Wedge Grip on pistol.

      Lateral To & Beneath Threat’s Backside; shoot upward into the threat. Then, Rolling Into A Right Side Position; Taking Out Low Lying Fore Threats

      Lateral To & Beneath Threat's Backside!


      Firing Up Slope into threat, such that the projectile has more tissue to travel, where by the bullet has time to do what it is supposed to do! Note, the closer you are to the threat, shooting upward, using a hollow point—not a 'pointy' bullet (ball), as they will tend to zip through threat and enter into ceiling or high wall, which is better than into an innocent bystander!

      By using a heavy grain hollow point, shooting upward...and, if the bullet does what it is supposed to do, opens up, slowing down, causing, hopefully, internal damage in threat and not exiting. If it does exit, being close to threat, firing a double or triple tap into assailant, winds up in ceiling or other structures above bodies of innocents.

      In the open, a pointy bullet (ball) can rise and fall a block or more away and possibly causing property damage or injuries to other innocents. The main reason for getting as close as safety allows; firing upward into the threat so as to allow the bullet; pointy (ball) or hollow point, as much tissue to travel through, and hopefully hitting a bone, such that neither case allow the bullet to exit. You are trying to keep the projectile contained by putting more mass in front of its path slowing it down! And, if it exits, often, falling harmlessly to the immediate ground below, having expended its full powerful energy to the threat. If it hits someone near, it may cause a very small scratch. This happened to a police officer.

      A hollow point, if it exits the threat from rising through the trunk exiting from the shoulder or neck area, flattening out, has spent much of its energy as it opened and hit much tissue and bone, dropping shortly in an area very close by, hopefully causing little to no problems.

    This will take much practice and endeavor on the part of the defender! Do you make a judgement call? Or, stand there and get put down, or your family members and friends. This is the best I have worked out; studied; taught to law enforcement officers, including law–abiding citizens.

    Notice The Slopes Of Each Angle:





    Defending In A Crowded Room, Etc.,

    Against An Active Shooter(s)!

    No One Is Teaching This!

    Instead of Going Through The Threat(s) & Striking An Innocent Bystander, The Projectile Enters Into The Roof, or Upper Wall, & Hopefully Stays There.

        In shooting this way, upward into the threat(s), you must practice your shots to lodge into the center spine; that is, aim for the spine in the center of the body; or throat area of the threat(s) spine.

        Practice on moving in; going down in front of or to the side of the target and shooting upwards toward spinal area, as shown in the video. Most ranges do not, even open ranges, allow this and there is a good reason for it, as the projectiles will go up and over the small ranges' boundaries, landing in someone's back yard or even hitting the yard owner! Therefore, practice using a toy gun, as this will give you the practice needed for movement and how to use and place your body. Remember, keep your finger off the trigger until you have a proper wedge grip and sights are on the target. Then you make the mental articulation to shoot and the finger goes on the trigger.

    Shoot Where?

    Keep This In Mind!

    And, There Is More That Is Not Taught In License To Carry Classes. You Must Do More Study!

    Concealed Carry only teaches you about the law as it applies to using deadly force.

    You must learn elsewhere about the psychology of a gunfight, the tactical aspects of a gunfight, and the strategy of a gunfight.

    Blowing up stationary paper targets at a gun range will not do it.


    The Response To An Active Shooter

    Is To Be A Reactive Shooter

    Applying The Immediate Above Information!

    ... To Be Continued ...

    In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment for non-profit research and educational purposes only. [Reference:Cornell Law School]

    In An UpComing Issue:
    To Be Announced!

    Something You Need To Know For What's Coming

    Kong Sez: uses Graphics, Videos, Audios, and other devices to communicate facts. As time nears to Total Chaos in America and the world, ChemBio Updates will be sent out several times a week, either in e-mail format or as a hot link to its WebSite, as information warrants.

        As you use your computer, overtime, it slows down!

        If your computer downloads slowly, you need to daily do the Following:

    • Defrag your machine.

    • Use a Cleaner, such as CCleaner (one can also use their Defragger) to Optimize your computer for better performance. Get them here: It's Free!

    • If you find a download from email coming down very slowly; simply close your computer and reboot. Then restart the download.

    • Find out from your ISP how much file storage you have, you need at least 20 MB. Also, go there and clean up used files. The ISP does this for you every 30 or so days. If you receive large files, the ISP may bump them back because "no room at the inn."

    You Must Defrag Your Computer Regularly
    Clean The Registry and Optimize the Machine Regularly
    It Will Run Very Erratic and Quite Slowly!

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