What Is It ? What You Can Do About It ! |
From this, we can see since the gamma rays have high frequencies, they can pass through liquids, solids, and air. Their speeds are thousands of times that of the fastest fired bullets. Because all three particles; or rays, alpha, beta, and gamma, do not cause the pain receptors of the nervous system to respond, they cannot be felt. However, the beta particles, landing on the skin and lying there for some time, cause beta burns of that tissue. Keep in mind that all these rays cannot be seen, felt, touched, or smelled.
Alpha and beta rays are extremely small particulates of matter with an electric charge. They are slower moving than gamma rays, which move at the speed of light. These latter rays are packets of pure energy, known as photons, which is a particle of matter. Most electromagnetic radiation seems to consists of waves, some do not. The photon is electrical and magnetic in effect. We hear of 'Photons of Light'. Photons show wave behavior in some cases and particulate behavior in others
- Only a small number of people would hear or recognize the wavering, wailing sound of the sirens, as you hear here (Play It In Full; Especially For Your Children To Familiarize Self & Family For It):
- The Attack Warning Signal from the sirens will last from three to five minutes. It will then pause; then, be repeated. The Signal may be a series of short blasts using whistles or horns. The Attack Warning Signal means only one thing: Go into action immediately! Go to the best nearest shelter. But, what do you do there? You have been given what to do in the video immediately above. We will give more shortly.
- Most who hear the Attack Warning Signal will not know what it is—they will not recognize it; nor, would they believe it was a warning of something serious, such as an Actual Attack.
- Since America is surrounded with water on three sides, we can expect a Submarine Launched Ballastic Missiles (SLBMs) attack at high altitudes over the continent. This is done in order to stop all electricity and electronics from working by EMPs (Electromagnetic Pulses), and hopefully stop the U. S. from launching a counter attack. Shortly after this, SLBMs can be expected to be launched again to American land.
- When the first SLBMs arrive on the Surface (ground burst) or Air Burst, the hostile nation(s) launched the 'giants' at the same time the SLBMs were launched, to slam into American soil, ground or surface burst, the 'giants' lifted off from the hostile nation. These 'giants,' Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), lifted off their pads and will take about 30 minutes or a little more to reach America. GET BUSY getting to a shelter if you hear the attack warning signal. But, if the electricity is down, or you don't hear or recognize what the signal will be, and most now-a-days will not, then....
- The Attack Itself May Be The Warning Sign:
- A major segment of the American Population would not be injured by the first explosions coming from the SLBMs. The 'Giants' will get them!
- The early explosions in an all out attack would be the warning sign for those now reading this document!
- This gives most time to get to Shelters in time prior to the 'giants' arrival. Keep in mind you have about 15 to 30 minutes before they arrive, blasting missle sites, major cities, port cities, military sites including Strategic Air Command bases, and other areas such as farm lands. If you have not prepared your mind and body for this, and with physicial supplies, the ensuing STARVATION that will come upon the land will include you. Strategic Naval Bases will be targeted! You do not have time to get verification by calling authorities, friends, neighbors, etc. GET TO A SHELTER, such as a cave, bank basement, reinforced underground homemade shelter; or beam-reinforced home basement.
- Your cue is the following:
- You see the sky light up—remember! You are under a Worsening Crisis that is escalating! You heard the sirens; maybe not. The EMPs 100 to 300 miles up took out the electricity. The sky lit up to an unusual brightness! Because, after the EMP strike, SLMBs are slamming America.
- Distant explosions with thunderous sounds are heard! These distant explosions are the sound of life-saving 'take cover' to the population, provided they have been imformed properly.
- However, this may come first...No Electricity! This happens suddenly and practically all communications are out...including EBSs.
- If you live near airports with 7000 ft long runways, at the first sound of warning during an escalated crisis, drop everything, run bags should be in your run vehicle as the crisis starts, and they should be loaded, bulging full with water, foodstuffs, and what The Kong Reports have said to have. The reason for this line of action is that the former B-52s need that length of runway; however, with the newer bombers not needing as long a runway; but, if you hear from various internet sources, such as the Reports mentioning that American Stealth bombers and others are secretly being dispersed to various areas or metropolitan airports, and...the 'fight' has begun with nuclear explosions now occurring on the U.S soil, within 10 or 15 minutes of such an announcement, the hostiles are going to literally crater runways; or, generate such local fallout so intense that runways cannot be covered and reused for days for re-arming and re-fueling American bombers, across the nation to keep a bomber from delivering a retaliatory strike. Any homes within four miles of a runway that can land military bombers should be evacuated immediately, as these homes would be destroyed. Homes within six miles may be damaged by a nuclear warhead. Keep this fact in mind: The blast wave travels 1 mile in about 4.5 seconds.. If you are 10 miles from those runways that will be attacked, then you have around 45 seconds to get to shelter. With a 1–megaton burst, the blast wave would arrive in approximately 22 seconds after the warning light. That is the extraordinary brilliant light from the explosion. Homes 40 miles away would have some broken windows due to the blast wave; yet, a sudden communications and power failure would occur due to the Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) wave of the blast. Most civilian electricity and electronics have not been hardened! that is, they cannot withstand the overvoltage generated by the EMPs. Most radio, TV broadcasting, Cell phone towers and cell phones themselves would 'burn up'. Anything with a long antenna will 'grab' the EMFs and cause problems. If a sudden attack occurs, you do not have time to make it to a shelter after seeing the first light of the explosion. The ground just may rumble or tremble slightly. Get away from windows in your home and get to the best cover you can have in your home. This may be a basement, inner hall way, or bedroom with mattresses thrown around you. Listen for two minutes. If no sound of the blast is forthcoming in two minutes, you know the explosion was over 25 miles away and you will not be hurt by the effects of the blast; nor by window glass being shattered. When two minutes are up, you can leave for the best cover in your home; get a radio, something may be up and running; probably not. Quickly make plans, such as NOW, to go to the best shelter you and your family can get to within 15–30 minutes. The 'Giants' will start rolling in! Do not go to a window to look out. When the multi-megaton explosions go off or hundreds of 20 to 30 megatons start exploding, windows can be blown out with shards acting like missiles through the rooms with windows. This can happen a 100 miles away from the blast, if the nuclear bomb is big enough.
The term "Respirator" can mean anything from a self–contained breathing apparatus used by fire fighters, to a simple dust mask that can be purchased at a hardware or home store.
Very small particles of radioactive fallout are likely to remain airborne for several days after a nuclear detonation. Also, in the weeks and months that follow, fine radioactive dust on the ground may again become airborne by the action of the wind, passing vehicles and other forces. During the first three days after such an attack, when the highest radiation doses from fallout are likely, any radioactive dust that infiltrates into your shelter and is inhaled will result in some internal radiation dose. It would be a good idea to limit this dose by using respirators for the first three days after an attack, even while you are indoors in your shelter. Adults For reasonable protection from airborne radioactive fallout, a good quality half-mask should be adequate. Always use the following criteria to select which mask to purchase:
- Choose a respirator approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The box or bag will contain the NIOSH logo and the logo of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
- Select a respirator that is rated N–100, R–100, or P–100. The N, R and P have to do with how the respirator stands up to airborne oil vapors, which is not a consideration in this application. (N = non–oil resistant, R = oil resistant, and P = oil proof.) The 100 indicates that these devices will remove almost 100% (actually 99.97%) of the airborne particles contained in the air that is bvreathed through them.
- Finally, of the "—100" respirators available, choose one that has foam rubber attached ALL AROUND the inner face–seal area.
These respirators will have adjustable elastic head straps and a pinch–clamp to help it seal over the bridge of the nose. You will need more than one mask per person. A minimum of two per person per day is recommended. In a dusty environment, the filter will become more and more difficult to breathe through as it collects dust. Also perspiration and moisture from exhaled air will cause it to eventually become damp and unconfortable. Respirator Fit Respirators usually come in three sizes: small, medium and large. If possible, place one up to the face of each person who might need one, even if it is still inside a plastic bag. Select the one that appears to fit the best for each person. Men typically wear large or medium, women typically medium or small. Children would wear a small size. Facial hair in the respirator seal area defeats the effectiveness of a respirator to a large extent. Men should shave prior to respirator use to ensure an adequate fit. Don the respirator according to the instructions provided on the box or bag. The head straps should be snug but not overly tight. Since you will not be able to perform any type of a fit test, stand behind a person wearing a respirator and look at where the respirator seats on the wearer's face. Ensure that there are no open spaces between the respirator seal and the face of the wearer. If there are, try to readjust the respirator and straps until the best possible fit is obtained. Each time a person changes respirators, put the used respirator in a 1–gallon self–sealing bag and mark the time, date and name of the person on the bag with a permanent magic marker. Store these as far away from where people are as possible (minimum of 10 feet). These respirators may be useful later if an assessment of airborne radioactive materials needs to be performed. Makeshift Respirators If respirators are not availabvle, breathe through several layers of a cotton terrycloth towel or wash cloth, a man's cotton undershirt or similar types of materials. Almost anything is better than nothing.[Comment By WebMasters: Do not wet...If wet, it will allow more particulates through.] Children Getting a child to wear a respirator for several days, or even many minutes, would likely be impossible. If you have reason to feel respiratory protection is needed, try to get the child to wear it as often as possible and for as long as possible. Alternately, try to get the child to wear a bandana over the nose and mouth, and play games of a western outlaw. Anything you can do to limit the amount of airborne radioactive dust a child breathes, in the event you are caught in descending fallout or a passing cloud of radioactive material, the lower the internal radiation dose is going to be.
"Air Sampling" If you have a thin-window radiation detector, you can use it to see if your respirators are actually filtering out airborne radioactive material. When you change respirators, keep the used one. Wait for FOUR HOURS after you take the respirator off, in order for natural background radon products to decay away. Turn the detector ON and put it in the CPM mode. With the detector held a minimum of several feet from any surface or person, read the BACKGROUND count rate. Then place the radiation detector about 1/2-inch away from the OUTSIDE of the used respirator and read the count rate. If the count rate increases noticeably, then there IS airborne particulate fallout in your shelter, and the respirator IS WORKING. Continue to use respirators. If there is little or no difference between background and respirator, there is probably very little airborne fallout inside your shelter. Continue using respirators throughout the first three days. Fallout patterns can change quickly. If you measure the mask soon after you take it off, you might see some detectable short-lived radon daughter products. While these certainly are radioactive, they are NOT due to fallout and shouldn't be of any concern. This radon daughter product activity will decrease by half every 25-30 minutes. It is the longer-lived materials from the explosion, like strontium, cesium and uranium that are of much more biological concern. Trips Outside If it becomes absolutely necessary to leave your shelter during the first three days after a nuclear attack, wear a respirator in addition to protective outer clothing. Remove the used respirator carefully when you re–enter your shelter. If you have a radiation detector use it to check the used respirator for radiactive contamination as described above. Put it into a plastic self–sealing bag, and label and store it as described above. If no detector is available, assume that the mask is contaminated and store it away from other persons.
This Immediate Above Section On "Respirators" Is From Actions For Survival by Allen Brodsky
Burn the following into your memory banks now: What To Do When An Announcement Is Made Fallout Is On The Way; You Are Expecting The Sirens To Go Off Since There Is A Worsening Crisis and There Has Been Siren Practice; Your Survey Meter Shows Fallout Arriving!
Do The Following If You Have Been Caught Out In Fallout On The Way To Your Shelter...A CD or FEMA shelter may not have had time to train the Radiological Monitors of the Shelter:
- During an escalated crisis: Don proper clothing, hat, slouchy overcoat; or, carry a pocket poncho; hat, masks, possibly goggles and knobby gloves as found at lumber stores/yards. Or, just have a carry bag with these items in it that you carry with you wherever you go. Also include in the carry bag, some water and food bars. Each member of the family should be prepared this way and wherever they go. A whisk broom would be an added measure of safety to carry in the bag too!
- At the first warning, go to the nearest shelter, if they are up and this is not a surprise attack. Also, whether or not shelters will be up depends upon the state of affairs. The U. S. Government is broke and may defer calling attention to the fact that the U.S is about to be recipient of hundreds of nuclear warheads; some exploding 100 to 300 miles in the atmosphere to create an EMP effect, knocking out electricity. This may be your only warning!
- If your shelter is in your home basement, or an inside room without windows...and the dwelling is 40 miles from where a strategic point of attack is, you will only probably lose windows. Your main concern is Fallout. Therefore, have an anteroom you go into first before going into the adjoining shelter room. This is important, we will assume
the attack has occured and you are contaminated with Fallout. Hence, Get to your home; or other Fallout shelter Then, stop at the anteroom with the door; or a temporary sheet/shower curtain/etc. across the door opening to the main fallout shelter room that will house you and your family. Keep in mind that each person needs about 10 square feet of room for long term survival, without cracking up. Most shelters will not have that much room unless it is a professional CD or FEMA shelter, and even then, it still may be overcrowded.- In the anteroom, there should be whisk booms as more arrivals come. Starting at the head, dust off from the head down; however, if you have the bulky outer garments on; shed them there. A good shaking later will remove 90 % of the fallout debris/dust. Keep your mask on so as not to breathe the contimanate.
As you brush down from the head to shoes, if you are the only one decontaminating at that time, you can then sweep up the room and empty it into a sack...sweep gently...not vigorously...empty carefully into a barrel bag that has been lined with a white garbage bag. Later, spray paint a small X on it when you remove it after you have seen the radiation drop down considerably from using your Survey Meter. If you and another person arrive at the same time, both of you having prepared, then you can use the buddy system to brush down each other. But if someone is already inside the shelter proper, they are not to come out into the anteroom, unless they are wearing a Personal Dosimeter, which tells them how much radiation they have absorbed. It is measured in Rads, which is Radiation Absorbed Dose. And keep in mind, even though the U.S. Government is saying counter to "There is no safe level of radiation." Even though many scientists say this; we now know this is not true! Allen Brodsky has proven it. There are safe levels of radiation. Consider potassium–40 in our bodies! "This small amount of natural K–40 in our bodies among K–39 in our bodies is 'radioactive'...." And, this is just one of many examples. Dr. Brodsky is living proof of it! Consider, we were birthed in a radiation 'storm.' See his book, Actions For Survival. For your family, you should have in advance a Personal Dosimeter that one can peel the back off of and stick to their right shoulders. In this manner, you can see immediately how much they have absorbed. Your Survey Meter tells you if you and the family should move to a different section of the basement; or out of it, if the Survey Meter shows a high in one area and a low in the other part of the basement shelter, go to the other. You can get the Personal Dosimeter Badges Here. If repairs are necessary to your shelter after the blast, this radiological instrument will help you consider how long you can go out and do some quick repairs, or decide not to go out. Another very excellent thing is that if someone gets sick in a few days, you can reassure them there is nothing to worry about if they are obsessing over feeling nausea, especially if regurgitation has occurred and they have concluded they have radiation sickness. The Dosimeter can quell all this and you and they can know they have something else; not Radiation Sickness. Just show them the meter! During such times, people will forget to read it when they are obsessing over radiation sickness and possible death from it. The Personal Dosimeter Badge looks like this:
Personal Dosimeter Know Your Limits !
After brushing off your body from head to shoes, even if you had a bulky outer garment on and dropped it to the floor; then, brush off your body, brush your hair too, gather up carefully the clothes and place them quickly in a larger bag for removing later after the Survey Meter gives the all clear, since the radiation will decay over a period of days to a week or weeks. Brush hair once more. Brush mask and mask strings, ties, or elastic bands that hold it to your head, in a downward motion; then remove mask not touching the mask, but touching the strings around the head. Drop mask on the floor in front of you where you shook off the Fallout from your outer garment and where you brushed off. Do not touch the mask! Brush hair once more; shake out the brush. Then remove gloves carefully by its fingers, not touching the gloves, dropping them into the wader pool. If you do this in a child's wader pool, you will have contained much of the Fallout if you did it properly as seen in the video above. Leave the brush in the room for the next or incoming arrivals. When removing pullover shirts, sweaters, blouses, etc., Close Eyes! Take a Deep Breath! Hold It! Then, quickly remove clothing. You do not want to get Fallout into the mucous membranes of the eyes; nor, do you want to inhale or swallow it!Avoid getting Fallout into Portals of Entry, as given; or, in cuts, abrasions and scrapes. Irrigate gently away from the cut opening with water. You Should Practice This Mentally (Go Through This Procedure In Your Head Several Times), Then Outside Using Talc as Fallout.
Unfortunately, our instincts can be our own worst enemy. The bright flash of detonation would be seen instantaneously throughout the region and may cause people to approach windows to see what is happening just as a blast wave breaks the window. For a 10-kT detonation, glass can be broken with enough force to cause injury out to 3 miles and can take more than 10 seconds to reach this range. Another urge to overcome is the desire to flee the area (or worse, run into fallout areas to reunite with family members), which can place people outdoors in the first few minutes and hours when fallout exposures are the greatest. Those outside or in vehicles will have little protection from the penetrating radiation coming off fallout particles as they accumulate on roofs and the ground. Sheltering is an early imperative for the public within the broken glass and blast damage area, which could extend for several miles in all directions from a blast. There is a chance that many parts of the area may not be affected by fallout; however, it will be virtually impossible to distinguish between radioactive and nonradioactive smoke, dust, and debris that will be generated by the event. Potentially dangerous levels of fallout could begin falling within a few minutes. Those outdoors should seek shelter in the nearest solid structure. Provided the structure is not in danger of collapse or fire, those indoors should stay inside and move either below ground (e.g., into a basement or subterranean parking garage) or to the middle floors of a multi story concrete or brick building.
Figure 5_Smoke, Dust, And Debris
Can Obscure The Magnitude of The Situation For Those Close To The Event.
When This Occurs...You Can Think More Logically If You Have 'You Know What...With Oxygen & Canteen!'Think!
Worsening Crisis...& Be Prepared....
Those individuals in structures threatened by collapse or fire, or those in light structures (e.g., single story buildings without basements) should consider moving to an adjacent solid structure or subway. Glass, displaced objects, and rubble in walkways and streets will make movement difficult. Leaving the area should only be considered if the area becomes unsafe because of fire or other DUCK and COVER: After an unexplained dazzling flash of light, do not approach windows, and stay behind cover for at least a minute to prevent injuries from flying and falling debris, such as broken glass.hazards, or if local officials state that it is safe to move Efforts should be made to stabilize the injured through first aid and comfort while sheltered. Even waiting a few hours before seeking treatment can significantly reduce potential exposures.
Fallout is driven by upper-atmospheric winds that can travel much faster than surface winds, often at more than 100 miles per hour. Outside the area of broken windows, people should have at least 10 minutes before fallout arrives for the larger multikiloton yields. If the detonation were to happen during daylight hours on a day without cloud cover, the fallout cloud might be visible at this distance, although accurately gauging direction could be difficult as the expanding cloud continues to climb and possibly move in more than one direction. Provided atmospheric-conditions do not obscure visibility, dangerous levels of fallout would be easily visible as particles fall. People should proceed indoors immediately if sand, ash, or colored rain begins to fall in their area. At 20 miles away, the observed delay between the flash of an explosion and "sonic boom" of the air blast would be more than 1.5 minutes. At this range, it is unlikely that fallout could cause radiation sickness, although outdoor exposure should still be avoided to reduce potential long-term cancer risk. The public at this distance should have some time, perhaps 20 minutes or more, to prepare. The first priority should be to find adequate shelter. Individuals should identify the best shelter location in their present building, or if the building offers inadequate shelter, consider moving to better shelter if there is a large, solid multistory building nearby. After the shelter itself is secured, attention can be given to acquiring shelter supplies such as batteries, radio, food, water, medicine, bedding, and toiletries. Although roads could be initially unobstructed at this range (~20 miles), the possibility of moving the numerous people at risk before fallout arrives is highly unlikely, and those in traffic jams on the road would receive little protection from fallout. At long distances (more than 100 miles), the additional time before fallout arrival might tempt people to evacuate. However, cloud spread and difficulties associated with predicting possible fallout locations will make avoiding the hazard difficult, even when driving. Although people at this distance will not experience life-threatening levels of fallout, using the extra time to seek the best-quality shelter in the area can help reduce exposures and the long-term risk of cancer.
Unless a given shelter location is considered unsafe due to fire or structural damage, the length of time individuals should remain sheltered depends on instructions from regional emergency management agencies. For those in good shelters, such as a large concrete, brick, or underground structure, optimal shelter times will likely be in terms of days. In the absence of specific guidance from authorities and adequate supplies of food and water, or for those who are in smaller 2- to 3-story structures or shallow basements, evacuation should be considered after 12 hours. Upon leaving shelter, the best course is to follow routes that take advantage of sheltered passages (subways, underground connectors, or through building lobbies) that lead away from damage and heavy fallout areas. Once clear of potential fallout areas, evacuees should seek a change of clothes (including shoes) and wipe or wash exposed skin surfaces.
Tests conducted at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) after aboveground nuclear detonations demonstrated that simple brushing and wiping can be effective at removing fallout particles
(Figure 7). Fallout Consists of Large Particles
That Can Be Easily Brushed Off Clothing And Shoes. Whats Wrong With This Picture? Click Here So You Stay Informed.
The radiation energy given off by fallout particles decays rapidly with time. For this reason early gross decontamination (brushing for example) is better than delayed thorough decontamination (such as a shower). An event of this magnitude will vastly overwhelm available response resources. The response will depend on a "whole community" approach that requires responding in nontraditional ways. Individuals and communities will be the most critical response and recovery assets present during initial hours and days following a detonation. Radiation sickness is not contagious, and experience has shown that contamination on people does not represent an immediate threat to others. Do not allow the radiological nature of an IND (improvised nuclear device) incident to prevent people from providing assistance and aid to those that need help.
However, as you have seen from Dr. Brodsky, this is now known not to be true, as seen above in regard to potassium–40, and the many experiences of Dr. Brodsky and many of his colleagues!Roentgen (abbreviation: R). Named after the man who discovered x-rays, Wilhelm Roentgen (pronounced 'Rent'-gen' or 'Runt'-gen'), this unit was first used in reference to x-ray or gamma radiation exposure from x-ray machines. The usefulness of roentgens is limited, however, because they measure radiation’s electrical charge in air. Rems and rads (discussed below) were developed to measure radiation energy in different situations. Rem. Rem is short for roentgen equivalent man. It measures the degree of biological damage that ionizing radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, or x-ray) causes. Rems take into consideration the relative biological effectiveness of the energy that is absorbed by living tissue. One rem is roughly equivalent to one roentgen (1R = 0.88 rem), and has the same biological effects. Rad. Rad is short for radiation absorbed dose, and measures the radiation energy actually absorbed by the body. There are many units of measure for energy, including BTUs, calories, ergs, joules, and watt-seconds. Historically, the erg is the unit that has been used to describe the energy delivered by ionizing radiation. The rad represents 100 ergs delivered to 1 gram of tissue. For beta, gamma, and x-radiation, a rad is approximately equal to one rem. For alpha radiation, a rad is from ten to twenty rems. RBE. The RBE, or relative biological effectiveness, compares the different health effects caused by different types of ionizing radiation. An alpha particle, for example, can have from ten to twenty times the RBE of a beta particle. This factor will vary, of course, depending upon specific circumstances, such as whether the exposure is internal or external. LD. The toxicity of radiation can be expressed as a lethal dose. For instance, LD50 means a dose that is lethal for 50 percent of the exposed population. LD30/50 means that 50 percent of the population will die within 30 days as a result of exposure. For humans, the LD30/50 is in the range of 400 to 500 rems. This calculation of lethal dose assumes that the population consists of uniformly healthy adult males. In fact, however, populations affected by radiation are comprised of both sexes and mixed age groups, including infants and children and the elderly. There is a wide variation in health status among individuals as well. Thus, the LD—the amount of radiation that will kill half of the people within a given time period—can be much lower. Amounts of ionizing radiation that are smaller than roentgens, rads, or rems are commonly referred to with the prefix milli-, which signifies “one thousandth.” For example, a millirem (abbreviation: mrem) is one thousand times smaller than a rem. Roentgens, rads and rems measure radiation exposure. When there is a concern about the rate of delivery of radiation, these doses can be expressed per minute, per hour, or per year: for example, rads per hour, mrem/yr. The curie (Ci) is the unit used to directly measure the radioactivity—quite literally, the radioactive activity—of a specified amount of a substance. The curie, which is named after Marie and Pierre Curie, the discoverers of radium, measures the activity of a source by counting the number of radioactive events that take place in a period of time. One curie equals 37 billion nuclear emissions (disintegrations) per second. By measuring and comparing curies, we can tell, for example, which of two substances is more radioactive. One gram of radium-226 has an activity of 1 curie. One gram of promethium-145 is many times more radioactive, as it has an activity of 940 Ci. In addition to “milli-,” other prefixes are sometimes used with the above-mentioned units (especially curies) to describe smaller radiation measurements: micro- (one millionth), nano- (one billionth) and pico- (one trillionth). A picocurie represents about two disintegrations per minute. You may recognize some of these prefixes from the metric system. As in the metric system, larger quantities may be expressed with the prefixes kilo- (one thousand) and mega- (one million). As if all this is not confusing enough, an entirely different system of radiation measurements has been agreed upon by the international scientific community. In the years to come, we can expect to read about radiation measurements expressed in terms of grays and becquerels. The gray (Gy) equals 100 rads, and will someday replace rads as a unit of measure. The becquerel (Bq) is named after the French physicist Antoine Henri Becquerel, who discovered radioactivity. Equalling one radioactive disintegration per second, the becquerel is a much smaller unit than the curie. It has been used in Europe as a system of measurement for about ten years. The sievert (Sv) is a new international standard equalling 100 rems (100,000 millirems). For the present time, however, rems, rads, and curies remain the most commonly used terms in this country. Natural radiation has been estimated to contribute a dose of about 80 to 200 millirems per year to individuals in the United States. In addition, we average about 55 millirems per person per year from medical x-rays. Based on these two amounts, the National Council on Radiation Protection has established guidelines for radiation exposure saying that a person should receive no more than 5 rems in thirty years, excluding the amount received from background radiation and x-rays. Five rems over thirty years equals about 170 millirems (0.17 rem) per year. They suggest the highest amount in any one year should be 500 millirems (0.5 rem). Nevertheless, an increasing amount of evidence points to the fact that there is no safe level of radiation.
Print Out & Learn This Chart!Place In Vehicles...In Run Bags...
And Burn To Memory:
- 1 R (Roentgen, pronounced as 'Rent'-gen' or 'Runt'-gen': a unit used to measure exposure to ionizing radiation) = 0.88 Rem
- 1 Rem = 0.01 Sv (Sieverts)
- 1 R =0.88 Rem
- 100 Rem = 1 Sv
- 1 Rem = 1 rad x (quality factor). The quality factor for gamma and beta rays of most interest here is 1. So in the aftermath of radioactive fallout, you may assume that a dose reported in rem is the same dose in rad (radiation absorbed dose) — Actions For Survival, Brodsky.
To assist with radiation damage repair, consider a thiol group. For instance, L–cysteine, alpha lipoic acid, or N–acetyl cysteine. These substances should be available at any health food store. Start now. They also help protect against X–rays and medical scans.
"A recent study examined the effects of 28 days of antioxidant treatment on a variety of blood and urinary parameters in children living in areas affected by the Chernobyl nuclear accident who are continuously exposed to low–level radiation (140). Treatment with alpha lipoic acid alone lowered blood peroxidation ['reactions that involve the addition of two atoms of oxygen to a carbon–hydrogen bond,' as in lipid peroxidation or free radical formation—Dictionary of Toxicology, 2nd ed., p. 364] values to the same level seen in non–radiation–exposed children; alpha lipoic acid + vitamin E treatment further lowered blood peroxidation to below–normal values; vitamin E alone was without effect. "Urinary excretion of radioactive metabolites was also lowered by alpha lipoic acid but not by vitamin E, presumably due to chelation by alpha lipoic acid. Liver and kidney functions were also normalized by alpha lipoic acid treatment."Another substance to protect against, or minimize the damage, of ionizing radiation is melatonin. Radiation induces damage by ionizing the water portion of cells, producing the hydroxyl radical (OH.), the most damaging free radical produced in cellular systems. The molecule most often damaged by free radicals is the DNA of the nucleic acid material. The "." in 'OH.' indicates a free radical. To help prevent breakage of the genetic code sugar-phosphate in the genes (a sequence of nucleotides {base-sugar-phosphate} in the DNA), it would be advisable to be on the thiol groups, sulphur to hydrogen bond (S-H), alpha lipoic acid with biotin and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC). Damage to the body is dependent on exposure to radiation and the length of time exposure was experienced. The kidneys and brain have less ability to recover from hard radiation exposure.
HSI eAlert , October 30, 2013What REALLY makes cholesterol dangerous? Saturated fats. No — it's not the EATING of saturated fats that causes problems. The trouble starts when you AVOID saturated fats. When you think of cholesterol, think of snow. Or rather a snowball. When LDL is light and "fluffy," you have nothing to worry about. In fact, this type of cholesterol is actually good for your arteries. But if LDL is packed and dense, it's as dangerous as a frozen snowball. Of course, you don't hear conventional heart docs talk about LDL density too much. They're so brainwashed by the "lower the better" mantra, they'd rather just give you a statin and hope that will make everything better. Aseem Malhotra doesn't go for that at all. Here, he may not be a household name, but across the pond in the UK, Dr. Malhotra is a respected cardiologist. But unlike other heart docs, he regularly rails against the dogma of the medical mainstream he's a part of. Last week, he sounded off in the British Medical Journal, making these two stunning points...
Keeping it fluffy1) Patients with high LDL are told to cut saturated fats from their diets. But that's a tragic mistake. Take away saturated fats and the fluffy LDL disappears. Meanwhile, the small, dense (and dangerous) LDL increases. 2) Dr. Malhotra cites research that shows heart disease risk has a MUCH stronger link to metabolic syndrome/pre-diabetes than to high total cholesterol.So heart disease has two culprits: Not eating enough saturated fats, and eating too much food with simple carbs and added sugars. And it's a vicious cycle... Usually when people stop eating saturated fats, they end up increasing their carbs and sugars. They're told they're on the road to health. But it's the road to ruin. I don't know how Dr. Malhotra came to prominence knocking the party line like he does. But I hope his colleagues and all their patients are listening — on BOTH sides of the Atlantic. Sources: "Time to end the war against saturated fat?" Melissa Healy, Los Angeles Times, 10/22/13, latimes.com
HSI eAlert, October 29, 2013
Medical mainstreamers hate it when one of their sacred cow drugs gets sent out to pasture. And that's especially true of their sacred CASH cows. They've made billions upon billions selling antidepressants. But now there's a new depression treatment on the block. And it replaces nightmarish side effects with a stunning list of side BENEFITS.
The spice of good life
Recent research alerted us that the use of too many drugs (especially drugs that directly affect the brain) sharply increases dementia risk. So treating depression with powerful drugs is like lighting a powder keg in your brain — especially for seniors. But new science proves you don't need a risky Rx to help battle depression. Turns out, this simple golden spice is a far better option. In the first ever placebo controlled clinical trial to test curcumin vs. an antidepressant drug, curcumin worked just as well as Prozac. Curcumin matched the infamous drug in alleviating moodiness, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, and other depressive symptoms. Needless to say, there is one huge advantage in choosing a curcumin supplement over Prozac. Curcumin side effects: Zero. Prozac side effects: Oh yes. In addition to the higher risk of dementia for drugs in this category, Prozac's potential side effects include behavior changes, anxiety, agitation, hostility, hyperactivity, tremors, and insomnia. And — as with most antidepressants — depression may worsen. It's been said that sacred cows make the best burgers. Seems like a perfect time to fire up the grill. Sources: "Spice Extract Relieves Depression Effectively as Drugs: Study" Kathleen Walter, Nick Tate, Newsmax Health, 10/18/13, newsmaxhealth.com
Keep Eyes Closed To Prevent Flash Blindness. |
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Wear, Throughout All This, Your Personal Dosimeter Badge. |
Prefix |
Numerical Meaning |
Example |
Symbol |
| ||
(millionths) |
(billionths) |
(trillionths) |
1 Curie = 3.7 x 10 10 Disintegrations/Second |
1 Becquerel = 1 Disintegration/Second |
1 rad |
0.01 gray (Gy) |
1 rem |
0.01 sieverts (Sv) |
1 roentgen |
0.000258 C/kg |
1 gray |
100 rads |
1 sievert |
100 rems |
1 C/kg |
3,880 roentgens |
Prefix |
Equal To |
How Much Is That? |
Abbreviation |
Example |
atto– |
1 x 10–18 |
.000000000000000001 |
A |
aCi |
femo– |
1 x 10–15 |
.00000000000001 |
F |
fCi |
pico– |
1 x 10–12 |
.000000000001 |
p |
pCi |
nano– |
1 x 10–9 |
.000000001 |
n |
nCi |
micro– |
1 x 10–6 |
.000001 |
µ |
µCi |
milli– |
1 x 10–3 |
.001 |
m |
mCi |
centi– |
1 x 10–2 |
.01 |
c |
cSv |
Prefix |
Equal To |
How Much Is That? |
Abbreviation |
Example |
kilo– |
1 x 103 |
1,000 |
k |
kCi |
mega– |
1 x 106 |
1,000,000 |
M |
MCi |
giga– |
1 x 109 |
1,000,000,000 |
G |
GBq |
tera– |
1 x 1012 |
1,000,000,000,000 |
T |
TBq |
peta– |
1 x 1015 |
1,000,000,000,000,000 |
P |
PBq |
exa– |
1 x 1018 |
1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
E |
EBq |
Common Units |
SI Units |
Radioactivity |
Curie (Ci) |
Becquerel (Bq) |
Absorbed Dose |
Rad |
Gray (Gy) |
Dose Equivalent |
Rem |
Sievert (Sv) |
Exposure |
Roentgen (R) |
Coulomb/Kilogram (C/kg) |