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Go To Top of Page And Click On Off (Square) Sound ButtonWe have investigated a number of ways of doing this, and for most, the easiest way to prepare your safe room and still be cost effective without entailing formulas for positive air flow for "x" number of persons, food storage, potable water, portable toilet(s), (normal utilities may not be working for a while) etc., would be as follows:If you designate an inner room, then you are going to have to have some means of getting air into and out of the room. Leave a window opened in one room that connects to the safe room. Place a rectangular high–efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in that outer room window. Then build a frame for the safe room's door to hold another high–efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter and a small ledge in front of the filter to rest a small (12 x 12 ) box fan. Big fans use too much energy. The rest of the door area would be sealed by the frame, and this made safe with duct tape. Some filters come framed. Buy according to your needs.
The Inverter!
Roughly, a family of two, have two batteries or more. You can operate small light fixture(s) for hours. We have done it three to four hours with power to reserve when we used a 60 watt light bulb.But, remember, anything that heats (electric heaters, cookers, etc.) up will use power more rapidly.This is why you want pure stored waterand ready to eat meals in this particular instance (MREs and/or canned goods).
Canned Breast of Chicken is ideal as it adds more protein to your diet as the STRESS is burning up your muscle tissue. You need to last for several days to a week for dissipation of CBW agents to occur. Obviously, have a battery powered radio.Use Salt Substitute (Mortons) if you are eating most starches, such as beans and rice. Or, use Mortons Lite Salt.
You will need the potassium to keep from burning muscle mass as a diet on pure starch ashes, and must be neutralized by the ammonium from protein. Hence, the body will burn more muscle to release the needed compound to neutralize the ash being formed by a diet of pure starch!
The Omega-3 oils it appears everyone is on now, just may hasten one's demise as they are highly reactive and just may become extremely toxic. AVOID! They become rancid quickly in the body! We suggest real butter and coconut oil.You may also be left with tiredness and weakness, no energy. It would be advisable to consider taking now, as well as then, NADH and CoQ–10. The main purposes of these are to drive your biological machinery in terms of cellular respiration in every cell of the body. Without these substances, you don't move, or move efficiently, enough electrons about to form sufficient ATP, a high–energy compound necessary for good, robust, healthy energy. CoQ–10 is the substance necessary for the electron transport chain. Without this, you grind to a halt. The latter should be taken with oil (Coconut Oil or Butter) or premixed in an oil capsule. Recommendation: take 400 mg daily in divided doses, and similarly two NADH 5 mg tablets. Also include in this regimen, carnosine (500 mg capsules), alpha lipoic acid with biotin (250 mg/2500 mcg), P–5–P (active form of B–6; 50 mg) and pantethine (active form of pantothenic acid; 300 mg). We suggest several each per day. Caution Note When Using Physostigmine: "Physostigmine inactivate[s] cholinesterase so that the cholinesterase normally in the synapses will not hydrolyze acetylcholine released at the end–plate [speaking of skeletal muscles here]. As a result, acetylcholine increases in quantity with successive nerve impulses [the transmission of the depolarization process along a nerve or muscle fiber is called a nerve or muscle impulse] so that extreme amounts of acetylcholine can accumulate and repetitively stimulate the muscle fiber. This causes muscular spasm when even a few nerve impulses reach the muscle; this can cause death due to laryngeal spasm [voice box area] which smothers the person. "…physostigmine combines with cholinesterase [acetylcholinesterase] to inactivate it for several hours, after which they are displaced from the cholinesterase so that it once again becomes active." —Guyton; Textbook of Medical Physiology, Sixth Edition, 1981; p. 140. Note: The spasm in the smooth and skeletal muscles can, if too much physostigmine is used, go from spasms to flaccid paralysis, and then death! Another, more safe, compound you can get "over the counter" at your local health food store that does the same thing as physostigmine, is Huperzine A (Hup A). It is safe, effective and used as an anti–brain aging factor; improves memory through increased acetylcholine, and most importantly, is an effective substitute for the prescription drug, physostigmine. Huperzine A can be taken on a regular basis.
The Canteen For The Protective Mask (Gas Mask)!
Using The 'WP' & Rigid Mask & Bandana!
Decontamination of Chemical/Biological Agents!
Things Can Close In On You...If UnAwares!
Putting It All Together!