Kong Sez:
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It's spaghetti time, folks. Don't waste any more time or money on freeze-dried food because, as Dr. "B" says, as has happened in China, much of these prepared freeze-dried foods are being "extended" with cellulose fibers. Not even the companies that sell the finished product are likely aware of this.
This is what Dr. "B" advises:
"The freeze-dried and dehydrated foods are not to be used as a complete meal. One cup is to be cooked in with a pot of spaghetti (It is assumed that you now have white rice, beans, and potato flakes stored, as they come from the supermarket, dry) as flavoring, and adding more protein. Therefore, this demands that you:
"(1) Secure at least 10 (ten) 33-gallon sized metal garbage cans from your hardware stores, like Home Depot or Lowe's.
"(2) Go to Sam's or Costco and buy, by the case, spaghetti that is individually wrapped, like a pound to a package. Remove the packages from the cardboard boxes and carefully arrange vertically, the spaghetti in the metal garbage cans. You can get more in that way. Do not turn this operation over to anyone; you DO It and thereby know it was done as given here.
"Do not...do not...puncture the cellophane wrappings of the Spaghetti and Pastas. This means arrange them carefully.
"(3) Keep these facts in mind as given before. Beans, peas, nuts and lentils all are known as legumes (except the nuts). Combining them with spaghetti gives complete protein. You will need horrendous amounts of complete protein when you undergo the mega-stress about to hit, beginning sometime in September. Definitely next year this time, America will be under it then. Therefore, keep in mind: Legumesand grains, such as wheat, oats, rice, rye, barley and corn, gives complete protein when eaten in sufficient quantities.
"Do not waste your freeze-dried, dehydrated foods as complete meals. Use them only sparingly, and as flavoring and seasoning, as given above.
"This is your final preparation. If you do not follow these directions, you are going to find, the rats are running, as in the Survival, Part I series, Part II series, they will chew through your plastic garbage cans.
"(4) Only one person, and maybe a very trusted person under that number one person, be in charge in kitchen preparation and food dispensing. Others are allowed in the kitchen to clean up, and they must be supervised. You must watch out for cross-contamination and stealing of food. You cannot let that happen. If someone steals food out of one of your 33-gallon metal storage garbage cans and leaves the can cracked, a rat will get into it and the whole thing will be contaminated after he urinates over the entire thing, possibly leaving viruses and bubonic plague in the form of fleas to spread their deadly 'Black Death!'
"Do not follow these premises, and you are going to reap the wild wind.
"(5) If someone does not eat what you set before them, you may think you have plenty of food stored, because it will look like that, but you haven't. It has got to last you six years. Therefore, if they pick at the food and then don't eat it, you serve it to them the next meal, if it hasn't gone rancid, because there will be no electricity. If they won't eat it then, then they don't get food at that meal. The rule works this way. You did not eat the meal you were supposed to eat, you don't eat the next meal. This way, food is not wasted and not lost. They eat at the third meal, which is the next day. Your breakfast should be served late in the morning, and your evening meal should be served late in the evening, before the sun goes down. You must have food to last six full years. At 2016, this is when you plant your garden. We have given you something of the Aftertime, which is going to be extremely hard on the survivors. By this time, the earth should be settling down, and by 2017, we should see several growing seasons in one year!
"This demands that you have now learned to eat less, as we have been proffering to you."
What we have just written, from Dr. "B", is not going to sit pretty with most of you, but for the serious minded, for those wanting to survive, for those waiting to start the New Beginning, that is partially how you get through to the New Beginning. There is more I can tell you later. By then, however, it will be too late to get your Spaghetti.
Today, just today, when I spoke with Dr. "B" from across the ocean here in Switzerland, he saw two people. One was a pussy. The other was a take-charge attitude person, and do what they can do. Which one do you think will make it to the Aftertime and through it?
Those of you who live near Washington, D.C., like Maryland, Virginia, or other bordering states, be prepared to get to safer ground faster. Why? Take a look at America on the next map you see. It is surrounded with deep water.
Dr. "B" informs me this is an excellent means to attack the United States with Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles. It can be an extreme sneak attack that he feels will most definitely come from China and Russia.
"We have crossed the line in the sand, and they are not going to put up with it too much longer. They can slip in and slip out while America comes down. That will be the total end of America as we know it, because America is based on all the great cities and the taxation. Is Dearborn, Michigan, going to be able to support America when all the big cities on the coasts are being vaporized and going up in smoke?"
The SLBMs are coming.
The United States government, as any other government, has no defense against such a ballistic, massive SLBM attack. Now, why must you run if it is 200 miles from you? One reason is wind patterns, but the second and most important reason is that after these have been launched, and as they strike the American coastline cities, and before they are striking, minutes before, the Giants are released from across the ocean. These massive intercontinental ballistic missiles come second, deeper into land, to abolish any means of escape and hopefully, any means of retaliation. It will take them 30 minutes to reach us. Our retaliation will have to come from our submarines and ships at sea if there is not a boondoggle, as to who does what when, and who has the damned keys to synchronize opening the firing mechanisms to have the buttons pushed.
This will be the coup de grace for America. Nevertheless, the Infernal Judge is not through with us yet. We still have the Galactic Plane that will be occurring during this time, and especially afterwards, and that is what will bring the war to an end. Everybody will be busy running from what Mother Nature throws at us, and it ain't gonna be SLBMs. It is going to be the energy that brought this universe into being.
Do you remember two months ago, we sent up Gas Mask I and Gas Mask II. Do you have them now? Do you know how to clear them? And if you have a beard, at the first crack off, you hear along a coast 500 miles away or closer, that America is under attack, shave your beard, because that is an avenue for anything to seep into the breathing ports of your gas mask while it is on your face.
Note: Dr. "B" says, "This is the time you'd better have your cholesterol up and running, so it can run with you, so you can make split-level decisions and not have cognitive deficits or mental fog because your cholesterol is so low."
From: July 2012 Economic Rant, by Roger Mason, July 2, 2012
Google has now banned all advertising for guns, ammunition, or anything at all to do with guns such as holsters and magazines. Why should you care? Because all guns will be banned in America like every other industrialized country in the world. This is your warning folks. The gun ban is coming no matter who is elected in November. First, all ammunition will be banned, since it is much easier to stop the sale of bullets. All the guns in the world are worthless if you can't buy bullet for them. Stock up on guns and ammo as they are going to disappear. Especially stock up on ammo. American is the only First World Country that still has gun ownership. Think of all the gun related sites that were just put out of business with no warning. Think of all the employees who lost their jobs without warning. Google is just an arm of the government. So are the social media sites like Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and the others. The neocons are doing their best to censor the Internet, and they are succeeding very well. This is the last bastion of free speech in the world. Soon the Internet will be censored just like it is in China, Cuba, and North Korea.
Kong Sez:
Folks, what can we say? Things are going downhill fast, and Google is just one example. Most of these big companies are located on the leftwing East or West Coasts and peopled by vegans and other passive people who have no clue as to what founded this country.
Be ready, because we know Spaghetti Time will be here before the pussies and pansies manage to get all the guns.
You should, by now, see why you need Backroads Maps in order to get out of your city as the SLBMs and super giants are arriving. Later, we will give you approaching signs that America is about to be slam-dunked.
With This...It Makes Me Wonder Just What Those Special Agents
Have Told Dr. "B"
What Else Is There?
In The Order Of Priorities
You Have Him To Deal With...
Then! And Now Him! To Hear The Message For Mankind
Click Here!
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment for non-profit research and educational purposes only. [Reference:Cornell Law School]
In An UpComing Issue: Something You Need To Know For What's Coming
Kong Sez:
ChemicalBiological.net uses Graphics, Videos, Audios, and other devices to communicate facts. As time nears to in America and the world, ChemBio Updates will be sent out several times a week, either in e-mail format or as a hot link to its WebSite, as information warrants.
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