WarFare It's Coming... And What You Can Do |
It is the use of Germ Warfare using military biologicals (living micro- organisms) as well as the toxic or poisonous products micro-organisms produce to cause famine, death, and disability in crops (plant pathogens), man and domestic livestock.
It can also use other animals and/or anthropods (insects, arachnids, and crustaceans) as vectors (carriers). The insects, flies, etc. (hexapods), and archnids-- comprising spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks, are prime carriers of animal, plant, and human diseases.
Real enough such that the American Government is stepping up its awareness and preparations to cope with terrorists attacks expected between now and the next two years. They are doing this because a real urgency now has surfaced:
In 1995, the group of terrorists known as Aum, a cult-like profile, released nerve gas in Tokyo, Japan's subway, killing 12 persons.
Iraq, during the Persian Gulf War of 1991, fired missiles that carried anthrax, aflatoxin--a poison extracted from fungi, namely molds, and botulinum. Clostridium botulinum and Cl. para-botulinum are bacteria that produce the deadly toxin, botulism.
According to Government Intelligence reports, the biological weapons build-up continues in Iraq and the other countries.
The ease with which deadly biologicals could be procurred in this country. In June of 1997, microbiologist, Larry Wayne Harris pleaded guilty to obtaining Bubonic Plague by fraudulent means. He was sentenced to community service and 18 months probation served conjointly.
But why did Larry Wayne Harris do this? From what we can put together, it was to serve a wake-up call to America and Congress. The man is a registered microbiologist and former CIA scientist. He discussed on CNN that Iraqi agents have brought into this country Anthrax and Bubonic Plague. They secreted them in their private body compartments during customs and removed them in their hotels or points of destination.
The deadly vials have been grown into more and spread to other contacts throughout America, he writes in his informative book, Bactiological Warfare, A Major Threat To North America, copyrighted 1995. He was sounding the alarm then, and only now has something begun to be done by our government.
He advises everyone to get some tetracycline now. If your doctor won't assist you in this endeavor, then you can get it from veterinarians and/or feed stores. On the containers it will say on the labels not for human use.
Harris says the compound is exactly the same as found at your local phar- macy, only the pharmacy version is much more expensive. The veterinary version has the size and shape changed to discourage human use.
He does advise, however, "self-medication under circumstances where a physician's care is available is not only unlawful, it is extremely dangerous. "But it is advisible to be prepared because he also said on CNN that FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Act/Agency) plans to confiscate any tetracycline it finds when terrorrist attacks begin.
We investigated this and find much merit in what he says. Under the most ideal circumstances, it would take 30 to 45 minutes to identify the germs in a terrorist attack. And within that time, only four can be identified. Generally, however, it would take from 1-3 weeks for identification, and much too long for you to have been warned and decontaminated.
Therefore, you see immediately, you are going to have to depend on yourself. From our best information, it will take 10 hours for a decon- tamination team to enter your city, and that is only after the 1 - 3 weeks for the identification of the micro-biologicals used in such an attack.
You only have, in essence, one hour, just one hour to spot something amiss; and respond by decontaminating yourself and starting on your antibiotics.
"Germ Warfare: Weapons of Terror," an ABC PrimeTime Live program, aired February 25, 1998, pointed out what Larry Wayne Harris has been saying all along. Namely, the American people are not prepared for a biologi- cal attack that will come. He is interested in "defense." Everyone else has focused on "offense," the microbiologist said.
Harris, who was interviewed by Diane Sawyer, said it is not a matter of if, but when He is positive an attack will come. The program also supported what he has been the first to say, "There are not enough antibiotics to go around if a major city suffers an anthrax attack." America's entire supply of antibiotics would be depleted in two weeks, it was pointed out.
For those of you reading this material that think these are "scare" tactics, then ask: "Why is our government and various national news media now talking about this?" Also, why are our top officials now pointing out this is a real possibility? Others are saying this "will happen."
And if you think antibiotics are passé, then why are more than one media pointing out we are going to need this modality of treatment? These are questions one must consider in making up his mind on what to do. We can't do it for you; we wouldn't try. We can only bring you up to date on what our leading national community leaders are saying and what we suggest. The final choice is YOURS.
Harris, and now others; for instance, Frank Ciilluffo, anaylst for a think tank in Washington--The Center for Strategic and International Studies, says, "The issue in my eyes is not if, but where and when." NSI Reporting Service quoted in Last Days Journal, ..."At a recent Global Science Congress, a biological/chemical warfare expert who worked for the CIA said the same thing..."
These biological warfare agents are colorless, odorless, and silent. They strike without warning. "Days can elapse, as people slowly sicken, before anyone knows there even was an attack." Harris says tetracycline "should be taken immediately if there are massive power outages or you see sheep or small animals dying that would be coincident with such an attack." Also a personal decontamination program should be undertaken immediately.
Remember ! This can and will occur anywhere in North America, not just the U.S.
- Every Citizen of the North American Continent must know:
- The types of biological agents and their effects.
- How biological agents can be detected.
- How to use their protective equipment (gas mask).
- How to care for their protective equipment.
- How to perform first aid.
- How to remove biological agents from themselves and their equipment.
- You need to know ways of killing micro-organisms and decontamining yourself, some are:
- Boiling water for 15 minutes or more.
- Proper use of home bleach without perfume, etc. and water purification tablets.
- Using lye soap and/or green soap for scrubbing..
- Sunning your clothes on a line and why and under what conditions this may not work.
- Proper method of cooking and timing of contaminated foods.
- When an attack occurs, the following rules are most important:
- Put on your protective mask immediately.
- Avoid food and water that may have been contaminated. This is why you want a home water and food storage program now!
- Use soap and water generously.
- Sunning your clothes on a line and why and under what conditions this may not work.
- Start on all prescribed immunizations or prophylactic antibiotics immediately. Some of these biological agents, if they enter the lungs and start pneumonia, after several weeks, nothing will save you.
You, me, twenty-seven American cities, the Army, the Marines...and the whole United States of America. And, a new axis has been formed by Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya, and now China. Remember! They aren't our friends.
Also, the following:
- The Army's Chemical and Biological Defense Command. They are moving quickly to teach civilians what to do in the face of a first U. S. biological/bacteriological warfare terrorist attack.
- Julie Llorente, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for Kansas City. Mo. She says:
We're used to thinking about a flood here or an earthquake on the coast," or the 'old' nuclear threat.
Because of the Oklahoma City terroristic attack, terrorism has been brought home on a realistic level, along with the immediate need for biological or chemical training and preparedness. She continues:
  We sort of knew it was coming.
- The Marines Corps has now trained 400 personel, costing $10 million in 1997 as the first federal force to embark into an area hit by biologicals to start decontamination procedures, including giving antibiotic shots, dispensing antibiotic tablets. They may also give light instruction on what to do. Learn to depend on YOURSELF now. By the time they arrive, it could be too late, especially if you have inhaled a toxin or microbial that attacks the lungs!
- The Army is also teaching and forming teams to train hundreds of civilians on how to respond to microbiological and chemical deployment that attack the human biological and nervous system.
- The Defense Department has a $52 million "crash" course in 120 cities and will expand this within the next two years. The purpose is to teach firemen, policemen, civil defense units, as well as medical personnel and civilians how to respond to a biological attack containing VX and sarin gas. These gases cause paralysis.
Incidently, the civil defense units, when it comes to Weapons of Mass Destruction ('WMD'--chemical/biological agents are of such), are being supplanted by National Guard and the Army. This new structure can be read in its published document, Integrating National Guard and Reserve Component Support for Response to Attacks Using Weapons of Mass Destruction. It can be accessed at WMD. It is dated January, 1998 and Secretary of Defense, William Cohen in which he discusses the reality of WMD.
Just Out: The Real Battle:
Source: U.S. News & World Report, April 27, 1998
With the White House asking Congress for a record $6.7 billion to fight terrorism, turf wars are escalating across Washington. FBI officials are angry at the Secret Service, which is making a bid to oversee security at Olympic Games and other special events.
The Army Reserve is angry with the National Guard for ignoring Army resources in planning how to respond to a bio-chemical attack in the United States. And the Nation Security Council, which proposes to create its own terrorism czar, is drawing fire from Justice and the Pentagon for what officials at both departments see as an NSC power grab.
As agencies begin lobbying appropriations committees, the battles are bound to intensify. But the bureaucrats may have little to fear from a Congress anxious to show that it's tough on terrorists. "If the program has terrorism in the title," complains one insider, "it will get funded."
With this power struggle between the Army and National Guard, you had better learn what to do for yourself if such an attack comes down the pike! The citizenry will be the losers if they don't get together. Know what to do...when to do it...and how to do it.
The Army is dead-serious about this. So much so that they will also be teaching how to decontaminate against anthrax and plague. Anthrax kills with fever, and flu-like symptoms and unbearable pain in the abdomen. For lung infections, time is of the essence. Antiobiotics must be taken immediately. If, after an incubation period, then in the middle course of the infection, one is discovered to have been infected by a deadly microbe, the results are practically always fatal.
Frank Cilluffo said the Crash Course the Army will be teaching to various cities is good, but only a modest start.
- Also figuring into prompting the United States to start a preparedness program is the very fact that last year (1996), Congress voiced extreme concern over Russia's massive chemical and biological warfare supplies which have no one home minding the store--they are open to theft. And undoubtedly, some will or have been sold to the New Axis.
The Pentagon in a report to Congress states that at least 20 various nations want some or all of this stockpile.
- In California, the Defense Science Board met in September to come up with a plan on how to deal with terrorist and criminal attacks.
- The United States gave Iran the know-how on biologicals! Now, they can use it against us.
- This past August 25, Philadelphia has trained hundreds of people in decontamination procedures for biological and chemical terrorist attacks. They are using methods similar to the crash course taught by the Army. It is an eight-hour program that will teach firefighters, police, para-medics, and other emergency contingencies such as Red Cross, and Civil Defense Units.
They are taught to spot and "hopefully" quarantine, "nail" down biological or bacteriological micro-organisms. "They hope," Mike Nucci, Philadelphia's Director of Emergency Management, says, "to stop themselves from becoming casualties."
He further says:
If there's an incident in a subway and there's a lot of people lying around, that's a pretty good tip."
Recall what we said earlier and we now add to it: If you hear of people, animals, pets getting sick, en masse, in your city, or even in a neigh- boring town, call for wind velocity and direction from your weather station. If the wind is blowing in your direction, be prepared to start decontamination procedures immediately.
What Cities Will Receive The Training? |
Because your city may not be listed, it is the more imperative that you start your training now. We will tell you the books to get. It is not difficult and in a week you will be sufficiently knowledgeable to protect yourself and your family.
The First Nine Cities To Be Trained This Year Are:
- Denver, Chicago, Sandiego, Philadelphia, Houston, New York, Los Angeles, Kansas City Mo., Washington.
The following 18 are:
- Detroit; Memphis, Tenn.; Columbus, Ohio; Miami; Seattle; Boston; Baltimore; Phoenix; Honolulu; Milwaukee; Jacksonville, Fla.; Anchorage, Alaska; Atlanta; San Francisco; Dallas; San Jose, Calif.; San Antonio; and Indianapolis.
The Microbials Most Likely To Be Disseminated |
In USA Today, August 6, 1997, Anita Manning had a feature story, "Expect Germ Terrorism, experts warn."
"There is good reason for Americans to be concerned about an attack by terrorists using biologicals, say scientists and policy makers writing in ... The Journal of the American Medical Association.
"'Small groups of people with modest finances and basic training in biology and engineering can develop an effective biological weapons capability,' says Richard Danzig and Pamela B. Berkowsky in an editorial...
"An attack on the USA by terrorists using biological agents could go unnoticed for days, until people started coming down with symptoms, say scientists from the U.S. Army Medical Resource Institute of Infectious Diseases...
"To help doctors quickly identify such an event, USAMRID summarized details on the agents most likely to be used in such an attack. These include:
- "Anthrax. A spore, it can survive in the soil for decades. When inhaled, it causes fever, fatigue, and cough - progressing, sometimes after two or three days' improvement, to severe respiratory distress and death in 24 to 36 hours [Recall what we said about some inhaled germs]. Antibio- tics can help if given early, but once symptoms appear, no treatment works [coughing, spitting up blood is one of them].
- "Brucellosis. These bacteria are highly infectious by aerosol, causing fever, chills, fatigue, and often respiratory symptoms for weeks or months. Brucellosis can be treated with antibiotics and is fatal in 5% of untreated patients.
- "Plague. Transmitted by fleas from rodents to humans, it can also be aerosolized as a weapon, causing pneumonia after a two- or three-day incubation period. It can progress quickly to respiratory failure, shock, and internal bleeding. Antibiotics are effective if begun within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms, [here again] but after that, plague is almost always fatal.
- "Q fever. A disease of livestock, it may cause no symptoms or fever, chills and headache. It is rarely fatal, but it can cause lingering fatigue for months." [Again, as nutritionists, we suggest taking "green stuff"--the essence of vegetables, now, to build your resistence and to recharge it then, such as Green Kamut, Green Essence, and Spirulina. You need these plant enzymes and fundamentals of life to avert low resistence, chronic fatigue, and ill-health].
Our sources say you can count on Anthrax, Plague, and Botulism too, the deadly toxin produced by the Botulinum bacteria, Clostridium and Para. The former two would probably be dispersed by airplane, the latter, in water supplies, food, etc.
Larry Wayne Harris spoke at the Global Science Congress and demonstrated all that one needed to kick off an Anthrax epidemic in America can be pur- chased here. He says you can grow your own and then distribute it widely at salad bars...a car driving through a city, from the top of an apartment com- plex with the wind blowing in the right direction to a metropolitan area. The ways of dispersal are numerous.
Here's the rub...the United States, Harris discussed, taught our enemies, Iraq, and others, how to develop and disperse (use) Anthrax. He further pointed out all it takes is one major outbreak of Anthrax via terrorists in one American city, and our psychological mental set would be altered forever.
He further pointed out this would cause a Total Collapse of the Stock Market and a change in it forever. If you have been reading other items on this Web Page under menu, you know various financial experts predict a Total Collapse of the Stock Market soon, also. He as others have said, "The exodus from U. S. cities would begin immediately."
We have been advising our readers for sometime now to consider moving to a rural area at least 75 to 100 or more miles from a large metropolitan complex. Don't live near one with over 50- to 100 thousand people. The reasons are simple: distance between you and the riots, panic, and mayhem that will occur in the cities. The ability to grow or contract your food, fresh, from farmers or someone with a truck garden.
When the collapse comes, food supply chains will be disrupted and altered. This is why you want water and food storage now--better to have it in the country.
What You Need To Protect Yourself For What's Coming |
Remember! The only way to survive what's coming is to learn what to do; how to do it; and then do it. The chances as you have seen are far remote that a decontamination team will reach you in time to save your life.
The United States Office of Technology Assessment says that a small private plane (Harris says the plane of choice will possibly be a light, non-descript one, such as a Cessna 150) would deliver the microbials. The U.S. Office of Technology Assessment further estimates that only 220 pounds of Anthrax spores, flying over Washington, at night with good weather, would leave an odorless, invisible mist that would kill some 1 million to 3 million people.
Other clues that may warn you, or cause you suspect to become alerted to a possible attack in progress:
- A light aircraft dropping,spraying, dispersing unidentified material. Harris in his book cautions to look closely "at the landing gear strut for presence of a vapor trail."
- A bomb that bursts with no destruction capabilities. Its main use is for dispersal of microbials.
- An unexplained increase of, or large numbers of animals becoming sick, or dying, or dead.
- Any type of weapon that is not designed for "immediate casualty effect."
- "Smokes of unknown source or nature."
- "Unusual or unexplained increases in the number of insects, such as mosquitoes, ticks, or fleas."
In order to protect yourself, you need to know certain things. Sabotage, free balloons, generators, airplane spray, and vectors (carriers) of the deadly microbials are all suspect. You will be attacked through your nose, eyes, mouth, and skin. We have listed at the end two publications you should get immediately for reference and study to help you with what we are giving now. We have also listed situations that should elicit an informed, prepared response.
There are things you need to protect these portals of entry... and if entry is made, then there are substances you need additionally to decontaminate interiorly as well as exteriorly. We are just giving this lightly and not in depth. Nor is this to be taken in lieu of sound medical advice or seeing a knowledgeable physican in these matters.
But remember, your first line of defense is knowledge and preparedness. You only have one (1) hour to react, as well as local authorithies. But, we have been told by the top authorithies (Frank Cilluffo, for instance--see above) it will take at least 10 hours before a decontamination team arrives--and that is after local/Federal authorities have identified the microbials, which can take from 45 minutes to 3 weeks. Personal preparedness is your answer.
First On The List is:
- Protective Mask. Used to be known as a Gas Mask. Now you must protect against Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear. For a good mask, we recommend the Israeli Simplex NBC Gas Mask. They come in adult and children's sizes. Cost about $15.95. Get at least 1 replacement filter for each member of your family.
These masks, in the event of war, are issued to the Israeli citizens. They were used during the Persian Gulf War in 1991. Without a protective mask, you will inhale dangerous microbials with the resulting infection that causes morbidity, sickness, and even possibly death....the mask is your first line of defense. GET THE MASK!
Order From:
- NITRO-PAK: 1-800-866-4876 (see our Survival page for more)
- Calf Electrolyte. You can get this from your Farm & Feed Store. This is a MUST for the treatment of Cholera! Cholera dehydrates the body. This oral rehydration formula may well save your life. Anti- biotics don't do it in this case.
- Get Lye Soap and Green Soap. Needed to wash with to disinfect yourself if you come into contact with deadly microbials. Get Green Soap at your pharmacy.
- Get two bottles of hydrogen peroxide. For disinfecting and gargling with if around aerosolized micro-organisms. Other disinfectant uses too.
- You will need Chlorine Bleach and Lysol (concentrate) for disinfecting body abrasions and if anyone infected uses your toilet, etc.
- If you have pets, get two flea collars per pet and put them on the animal if an attack has been indicated.
- You will need the flexible, surgical type mask worn by physicians, if you choose to attend public gatherings after an attack has been indicated. Do not get the "Monkey" rigid type face mask. Air gets through the sides and you don't want exhaled or coughed droplets of mucus that has been aerosolized to be inhaled by you or your family.
- Get Tetracycline or Terramycin. If you can't get it from your doctor; get it from your feed store. It is the same thing!
Latest Updates on Biological WarFare |
In a recent publication of The Journal of the American Medical Association Jeffrey D. Simon, a world expert on biological weapons and agents, says:
"The nation must prepare for a new age of terrorism involving cheap and hard-to-detect biological weapons. And the first step? Accept the reality that we will not be able to prevent every act of biological warfare."
The FBI believes: |
That two Russian "suit case" nuclear devices are now in the U.S. and are being hidden.
The FBI was noti- fied: |
Nuclear/Biological/Chemical threats (6, possibly more) were made in 1997. Obviously the calls were false alarms, but the next time...
Police are preparing practice scenarios: |
Terrorists release odorless aerosols in a major international air terminal -- say, Bostons's Logan Airport. No one realizes that the attack has occurred, until several days later. That's when passengers all over the world, who passed through Logan, begin dying of anthrax, a deadly bacterial infection..
Source: Blue Duck P.O. Box 554; Edison, NJ 08818 - 9747. (For subscription)
Germ Warfare Experts Set Up By FBI
The Washington Times Story:
"Two men were charged [Feb.20] with possessing the deadly germ anthrax for use as a weapon. The FBI said one bragged in Las Vegas he had enough to 'wipe out the city' and last year described a way to unleash bubuonic plague on New York City subways.
"... An informant said one suspect claimed to have 'military-grade anthrax' in flight bags in the car's trunk, and [sic] FBI affidavit said. The informant said he saw several bags marked 'biological' in the trunk.
"Larry Wayne Harris, 46, of Lancaster, Ohio, and William Leavitt, 47, of Las Vegas and Logandale, Nev., appeared before a federal magisttrate, handcuffed to each other and shackled at the ankles. The two-count complaint accuses them of conspiracy to psssess and possession of the biological agent." [Washington Times, Feb.20].
Comment: |
Within days of printing this story, the Associated Press and numerous other news agencies were forced to write a retraction, as both Harris and Leavitt were cleared of all charges. It seems the alleged anthrax was nothing more than a vaccine to innoculate against anthrax.
Harris, for the past two years or more, has conducted a nationwide campaign warning of the threat of biological warfare waged against America by Islamic terrorist groups. He advises Americans to obtain tetracycline from pharmacies, veterinarians, or from farm supply stores in the event of an
outbreak of anthrax in the U.S. (tetracycline can innoculate against anthrax).
Curiously, the A.P. and other newspapers that reported the event never made reference to tetracycline and made vague reference only to a "vaccine" in his possession.
Clearly, the establishment press has no intention of Americans learning ways to protect against this deadly disease, an outbreak of which is a distinct possibility in the near future.
Source: Last Days Journal; March 1998. 816 Easely St., #411, Silver Spring, MD 20910 (For subscription).
- "... Few realized that many of the Middle East countries are heavily armed and poised for war. Syria and Iran are two good examples. And Kazakhstan [see also Richard Maybury's U.S. & World Early Warning Report 1-800-509-5400], located north of Iran, is not only a regional power, but as a former member of the USSR has nuclear weapons as well.
"Some may argue that Iraq has committe human rights violations against its own people. This is a true and tragic fact. But so have China, North Korea, Sudan, Turkey, and a host of other countries. The point is, we do not have the same moral initiative we did last time.
- "In the first Gulf War, the American led United Nations coalition had very strong backing from the surrounding Middle East countries. At that time, almost everyone was against Iraq. Now, the Mid-East Arab/Muslim nations are not lending their support. If we do not have the necessary of regional nations, we will not have the military infrastructure to successfully wage a sustained attack.
"Last time we had access to bases, housing, transport facilities, and other important infrastructure needed to equip and support our troops. This time the local support which is so important to a campaign's success is not available.
- "Related to the second point: What would be the response of the most powerful countries in the world to our potential Mid-East actions? Russia, who during the first Gulf War was in turmoil, has threatened retaliation if we invade Iraq. Since the first Gulf War, Russia has strengthened its military forces while we have scaled back our own.
"Russia has also shown recent support for Iraq by placing key people in Bagdad, threatening to use them as human shields. If the U.S. attacks Iraq, it could rouse an angry giant. In addition and unknown to most, Russia and China signed a declaration nearly a year ago, supporting each other as lead nations in the new global system. China is backing Russia, and has made it know that it will stand with its counterpart if Iraq is invaded."
Note: This is serious folks!
"Therefore, if America moves against Iraq, it could suddenly find itself in an escalating conflict with two of the worlds most formidable military powers.
"Arab nations are also siding with Iraq; and some European countries, such as France, view this crisis differently from the first Gulf War. If a similar attack were launched against Iraq today, a number of strong nations would likely oppose us.
"This opposition could even ignite a third world war -- a firestorm unlike anything we've experienced. Russian President Boris Yeltsin has repeatedly warned about such a possibility in recent weeks."
Source: Hope For The World Update. P. O. Box 899, Noblesville, Indiana 46061-0899, U.S. A . For Subscrition: Fax: 317-576-1053. Credit Card Orders: 317-290-4673. Cost: $35/year. Annual supporters giving $100 or more receive the newsltr. FREE.
To help you prepare, we have included order forms for our books:
... How You Can Survive
We have made this book as simple as it can get. Your
authors have researched this matter and much of what is out
there is often convoluted, confusing, and difficult to follow.
It is, much of the time, technical, and solutions in the same
material for the same agent differ in another section of the
same book. What is written here is as simple as it gets.
Admittedly, it may be difficult at first to grasp what to do,
when to do it, and how to do it. That is why you need to
read and reread this book to be prepared. The most
important thing about decontamination is that which
concerns YOU !
We have given common household chemicals that you can
use in the event of a chemical warfare attack, and much of
the same everyday household items can also be used in
germ warfare decontamination.
This book tells you how you
can make your own passable protective chemical and
biological warfare suit; also where to get protective masks
and the antibiotics you can secure without prescription. We
also instruct the readers where professional protective suits
and chemicals (used by U.S Government Military) for
decontamination can be found, if so desired.
It is no longer a matter of if, but when America will be attacked with chemical/biological weapons of mass destruction.
The authors even show you how to make your own soap
that will serve you well in everyday use as well as in
decontaminating your person. They go a step further and
give you the recipe for a bath and beauty bar that can
double as a decontaminating soap.
We suggest you not lend this book out you won't get it
back; especially when you need it most. Have your friends
buy a copy. They are inexpensively priced, and the
information is invaluable
The methods in this book are one the housewife, the
student, the businessman even a child can follow, and
save his own life. You should read this book and think, "I
can do this!"
Every effort was made to insure the accuracy of the
information presented in this book. All instructions,
processes and recommendations are given without guarantee
by the authors and Universal Laws Publishing Co., who
hereby disclaim any liability for accidents, injuries, losses or
damages resulting from the use of this book.
Self medication where a physician's care is available is not
advisable and can be dangerous. This book serves only as a
guide to those situations that are coming.
The authors and
the publisher of this book do not recommend or endorse
self medication or the practice of medicine without a
license. The responsibility for any such activity is borne
entirely by the reader. Seek professional medical help if
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