Kong Sez
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Kong Sez
What To Do With Your Money
If Your Have Any
Run For Your Life
"The FDIC covers one account per bank of $100,000" —Dr. Gary North, Ph.D www.garynorth.com ($14.95 per month). If you have more than $100,000, "you can open another account at another bank" — Ibid. The information is very clear on this
(See: FDIC) ; however, surprisingly, people still get caught and have now, because they have put all their money in one bank (it's easier to keep up with, they make more on interest, but there has been a better way and you probably do not know it); do not read the fine print; and then, when—as is occurring now—the bank(s) fail, all they have insured is up to the first $100,000. They scream, they cry, they fuss, they mope, but that's all they get.
Incidently, there will be more bank failures in the not too distant future. We wrote about what is occurring now with our banks in 1995. We pointed out that this day would come. We wrote that when you see the really big banks failing on the East Coast, get your money out of the bank and wait. Why? Because the U.S. Government is going to declare a "Banking Holiday," and you won't be able to get any money for bills and necessities.
Checks will probably not be honored! Credit cards will not be accepted. As long as the Government stays up, the FDIC will insure your funds up to the limit...no more.
Here's the difficulty with all this. Things will deteriorate so drastically and badly that Gerald Celente, trends expert, says have FDIC Insured Money; have a job; have a long–term food storage program. Jobs are going to be getting very scarce. The big "box stores" will go. Retail shops will be closing. If you do have a job, get capital goods (things you can use, sell, or trade), such as tools and so forth.
Your WebMasters feel the money you do get and have put aside will be worthless. However, the inflationary economy we will experience may become, according to Richard Russell, financial advisor and newsletter writer for many years, deflationary. When this happens, then "Cash Is King." Remember that! Thus,
Kong Sez:
"As long as the U.S. Government stays up, CDARS your money. Get capital goods, Get a long–term food storage program. Credit cards will become a joke. Get some means to protect what you physically own and your family. It's going to be literally Hell on single women!"
"If you are a woman, make a capital investment now and purchase a firearm. Learn to use it very well. Learn to clean it effectively. Store ammunition. Get a Concealed Carry License for the interim, then it will not matter. And know well, whether married or not; boy friend or not; other friend or not; you are the only one you can count on in the end. Get into a covenant community relationship now. Do your share; they do theirs...but...in the end, you must be self–reliant, depending upon self only."
"CDARS® is the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service®. And it's the most convenient way to enjoy full FDIC insurance on deposits of up to $50 million. With CDARS, you sign one agreement with a participating local bank or other financial institution of your choice, earn one interest rate, and receive one regular statement. It's that easy.
"CDARS is the perfect solution for many depositors — from non-profits and public funds to businesses, advisors (including trustees, CPAs, financial planners and lawyers) and individuals, as well as socially-motivated investors" — You can open a CDARS account here: CDARS.
In other words, a CDARS account allows you to have one account and receive one statement, but the managers of CDARS spread your money among several banks so that no more than $100,000 is in any one bank. They do the work for you. This is very, very good, and nobody knows about CDARS, or tells you about CDARS, especially the banks!
You will probably have to get your teller or banking person to speak with their supervisor and he with his to acknowledge such a thing exists, before you can exact it. The banks know of it, but the lower echelons probably do not.
This is not spread around. The banks want all of your money and you be damned if a failure goes down. You just get $100,000 of it and nothing more. But...with a CDARS account at that bank, you can get all of what you have in the CDARS account.
CDARS.com says, "You've worked hard for your money. Now let it work hard for you."
"From now on, Folks, it's gonna get pretty rough! In fact, downright cussed.
Keep Running
Times in America will change rather abruptly. Your WebMasters suggest you check your Medicine Supply/List.We Feel This Is Going To Be A Long, Hard Siege Get Prepared...Time Is Short Now... Other WebPages of Interest: Purifying Water ¦ When The Hell Breaks ¦ Gun PageGalactic Plane
![[When The Rocks Fall]](fallingrocks.jpg) The Impact and Its Consequences
The Rocks Are Coming
A City Being Stoned
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