Kong Sez
They Don't Want Us Talking Any More
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Listen To This Chaos Coming !
Be Ready For This
Kong Sez:
Lee Bellinger, Publisher and Editor of American Sentinel, has a 2009, survival guide out, for when the coming times get hard: Social Chaos Survival Guide. It can be ordered from their 24–hour service line at 1–877–371–1807.
Mr Bellinger points out the following, among other salient things, coming to our shores:
State Governments Are Becoming Too Broke for Law–Enforcement
The American Association of Architects' historically–reliable construction index has plunged 34.7% — a grim indication the commercial real estate market is the next shoe to drop, which analyst Mike Larson forecasts will lead to an 'unstoppable chain reaction of bankruptcies."
The reason I bring this up is because 46 states are already experiencing major budget shortfalls. And yet it is taxes from U.S. commericial real estate on which local and state governments depend to fund fire, police and social services. (Not to mention major insurance carriers — many of which are going to go belly–up when the full extent of the commerical real estate bust hits their reserve portfolios.)
States such as California and Kansas don't even have enough money to send out tax refund checks (much less properly fund police departments) and are coping with the biggest annual job loss in a single year since 1945 (down 2.8 million jobs in 2008 alone).
The Washington Post notes two out of three large police departments in U.S. cities are already reporting budget cuts and hiring freezes, even as 233 departments told the Police Executive Research Forum that they are noticing a major "uptick" in property crime which they attribute to financial unrest.
The National Center for the Victims of Crime reports a whopping 24% increase in calls from October 2007 to October 2008 as "job losses and economic stress factor into increased violence."
In addition, cash–strapped states have been forced by collapsing tax revenue to release hardened criminals back into society, noted the Post. On February 21, The Charlotte Observer reported on a disturbing trend which is going on all over the country: Major budget cuts for jails even as criminality is on the rise.
The Observer story cited the closing of a youth detention center for violent offenders, an all–too–common "low–profile" budget–cutting practice going on all over the country.
When the Police Abandon Law–Abiding Neighborhoods to Mobs
And don't even get me started on polic protection. Past riots in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles portend a disturbing pattern when social chaos overwhelms order. The police almost always "pull back" and abandon entire neighborhoods to vicious mobs.
In the case of the 1992 Los Angeles Rodney King riots (as Caucasians and Asians were hunted down, robbed, and slaughtered), the police hunkered behind their defensive cordons as the murderous racist rage unfolded—the only outside contact law–abiding victims had in the riot zone were the intrepid news helicopters hovering overhead, broadcasting the racial pogroms on live TV.
You may even remember the only community to come out unscathed were sections of Los Angeles populated by Asian merchants—who fended off the mobs by placing shooters on the roofs of buildings within their defense perimeter. These heroic Korean merchants successfully protected their families, shops, and homes. All because they knew how worthless bureaucrats truly are and made their own preparations. Where are you in this process?
The coming social chaos will magnify these problems a thousand–fold. In short, it is extremely important to be one step ahead of the general public during an unfolding crisis. And at least three long steps ahead of the government's draconian, blunderbuss, freedom–stealing response.
Kong Sez:
It looks like Mr. "B" is going to be right all alone. He's been warning about these things since 1997. And as it gets closer to the End of An Age, his warnings ramped up, especially for women.
I had an interesting conversation with him via phone recently. He reported that nowhere is there enough police to provide law enforcement to the masses if the masses do not want to obey the law. In other words, Mr. "B" says:
The only reason law enforcement works is because the masses want it and the majority are willing to follow the law. However, if they decide against it, then there are not enough police personnel to police the people and enforce the laws.
He read recently that there are 269,000 police officers in New York City to police 8 million people. There is no way for the police to enforce the law if a fraction decide otherwise.
Kong Sez:
"Folks...Crystal Gayle says it all...but, we're gonna have to wait for times to get better:"
"But first, it is gonna be literal hell for a while! The Killing Mechanism is now up and running. There will be no peace of mind...but, my dear friends...just hang on...just hang on, changes are coming...no doubt!" But depend on yourself.
You must now become self–reliant! You must ask yourself: "I've called 911 an hour ago and no law enforcements have shown up." You think...and hear: "There are sounds in the house...they've broken in....sounds like three or four."
If you've prepared, it won't get that far. With what is coming, and even now, defend first...call for reinforcements next — if you can connect with anyone.
Folks! Go into Mad Max mode! Never...ever...trust what the interloper says to you. Put 'em down immediately.
Mr. "B" related an event that happened to him years ago:
"Kong", he says,
"I was in a large metropolis conducting a large seminar (teaching classes) on self–defense for a week. I was put up in a posh apartment building in an upscale neighborhood. One night, after classes, I smelled strong perfume—a man's scent. This was a definite Target Indicator. Then, I heard movement.
"I had already made the bedroom a safe–room. The door was locked. I heard the knob twist and turn several times. I went into advanced self–defense mode. Police were dialed only after I was prepared to engage the inteloper(s).
"The door burst open and standing in the half–light was a man almost as large and massive as you. The ambient light let me see he was holding an object, which later turned out to be a gun. There was gun fire! He went down.
"My suspicions that there was more than one intruder were confirmed when the assailants began calling out to find their locations, or if they were still 'in the physical.' No response. Another showed up and peeked in the door whispering: 'Name, where are you?' More gun fire!
"This seem to throw panic into the others and they began calling out loudly...'What's going on?....Where are you?'
"When no answer was forthcoming, I clearly heard a panic attack occur. The remaining interloper (or two) literally burst through a window, but not before they met up, and in their panicked state, fired on each other, thinking each the 'home owner.'"
Kong Sez:
Folks, do you get the message? Mr. "B" called the police after he had made sure he was ready to go into action. Being in a strange town, a strange room, the first thing he did was put a flashlight at the bedside, with the police emergency number on a piece of paper next to it.
The police, in this case, as all cases, unless by happenstance, are reactive, not proactive. Mr. "B" was proactive.
You be Proactive too, and you will increase your chances of living.
In The MeantimeRun For Your Life
From now on, Folks, it's gonna get pretty rough! In fact, downright cussed. Mr. Ugly Will Show Before Long.
But For Now... Keep RunningKeep Your Purse and Scrip With You—Luke 22:36And NowGet Two Guns—Luke 22:36–38Before The New Dude Won't Let You Have Them
Times in America will change rather abruptly. Your WebMasters suggest you check your Medicine Supply/List.We Feel This Is Going To Be A Long, Hard Siege Get Prepared...Time Is Short Now... Other WebPages of Interest: Purifying Water ¦ When The Hell Breaks ¦ Gun PageGalactic Plane
![[When The Rocks Fall]](fallingrocks.jpg) The Impact and Its Consequences
The Rocks Are Coming
A City Being Stoned
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