Kong Sez
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Muncipal Bonds Uncreditworthy !
Kong Sez:
It seems that there's more news about the financial state of things in the United States to be read in the foreign press than in the American press, especially our local newspapers.
Here's something of extreme importance that appeared in the London Telegraph, but not American papers:
Shock Warning on US Municipal Bonds
"The creditworthiness of the entire US local government system is at risk, credit ratings agency Moody's has warned, as the global recession continues to pinpoint its latest victims.
"The unprecedented warning — the first time Moody's has made such a warning about the US local government system as a whole — was made in the light of the continued recession and the problems that it is causing for city and state governments.
"Moody's said that it was assigning a negative outlook to the entire $2.6 trillion (£1.8 trillion) US municipal bond sector — operated by local town, city and state governments — because of the combined collapse in the financial and housing markets."
Bloomberg confirmed this horrifying story and adds the following:
April 7 (Bloomberg) — "U.S. local governments were assigned a negative outlook by Moody's Investors Service, the first time the New York-based credit rating company gave such an assessment to the overall group of debt issuers.
"The collapse in housing, turmoil in financial markets and what may become the broadest and deepest national recession since the 1930s will pressure 'many if not most local governments' over the next 12 to 18 months, Eric Hoffmann, a Moody's analyst, said in a news release today. "
Have you seen a word about this unprecedented event in your local newspaper? This is earthshaking, with enormous implications for your future, but have you heard a word about it?
Neither have we, and we wonder why not!
Can it be that "they" want us to think everything is rosy while they continue to send us happy-face news (that is really bad news) such as today's weirdity:
"The number of people filing first-time jobless claims fell 10,000 last week."
Since the number filing is still huge, you can't call this good news, but the stock market does. Many fools are rushing back in, and we don't need ESP to know what's going to happen to them: They're going to lose what little money they have left.
While the stock market rises, the financial foundations of the United States continue to rot out from under us.
Folks, your county, city, and state governments are flirting with BANKRUPTCY!
Kong Sez:
The time is fast approaching when everything will come crashing down. There is no good news. Even the good news being reported is actually bad. We are in those days when "good will be called evil, and evil, good." Finish up your preparations while they still believe the good news.
Kong Sez:
"Folks...Crystal Gayle says it all...but, we're gonna have to wait for times to get better:"
"But first, it is gonna be literal hell for a while! The Killing Mechanism is now up and running. There will be no peace of mind...but, my dear friends...just hang on...just hang on, changes are coming...no doubt!"
In The MeantimeRun For Your Life
From now on, Folks, it's gonna get pretty rough! In fact, downright cussed. Mr. Ugly Will Show Before Long.
But For Now... Keep RunningKeep Your Purse and Scrip With You—Luke 22:36And NowGet Two Guns—Luke 22:36–38Before The New Dude Won't Let You Have Them
Times in America will change rather abruptly. Your WebMasters suggest you check your Medicine Supply/List.We Feel This Is Going To Be A Long, Hard Siege Get Prepared...Time Is Short Now... Other WebPages of Interest: Purifying Water ¦ When The Hell Breaks ¦ Gun PageGalactic Plane
![[When The Rocks Fall]](fallingrocks.jpg) The Impact and Its Consequences
The Rocks Are Coming
A City Being Stoned
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