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The Great Train Wreck Is About To Happen !
Kong Sez:
This report was received in my office, Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 4:18 PM from The Daily Reckoning
I received this report, Wednesday, April 15, 2009 4:18 PM in The Daily Reckoning.
Porter Stansberry is the essayist and is the director of an independent financial research firm called Stansberry & Associates Investment Research.
His work here is pretty dire. He's in a position to know, and I too, from Manhattan. Incidently, I took Dr. "B's" advice and got off the island! We manufacture, in actuality, nothing...except money and business. Nothing is grown here—think food from now on and self–reliance and self–preservation. Some wise ones I advised are growing on their Manhattan skyscrapper apartment terraces, raised bed gardens. This will help for a small while, until the water runs out and the electricity dries up! That's how bad I know—after having endless conversations with Dr. "B." it's gonna be.
Mr. Stansberry writes at the end of this essay:
"It will probably take decades for Americans to realize socialism doesn't work. But that clarity might not happen during my lifetime.
"I'm graveyard serious: If you do not take precautions and prepare yourself and your family for the inevitable collapse of our currency, you will suffer incredibly over the next decade."
If you haven't yet, Dr. Gary North, Ph.D., financial historian, says you'd better sell something and buy a gun!
How to Protect Your Family from The Greatest Economic Disaster in Recorded History
by Porter Stansberry
Baltimore, Maryland
It's going to be a real disaster...
The current administration's economic strategy will create an unmitigated disaster - not only our country's worst financial calamity, but the greatest economic disaster in recorded history.
I first warned my readers about what was happening last December, in a letter titled The End of America:
"The coming great inflation will destroy America's economic leadership. It will lead - eventually - to the return of settling international obligations in gold instead of paper dollars. And this will happen much faster than anyone expects.
"By the time Obama leaves office, you will not be able to exchange dollars for any sound currency in the world without permission from the U.S. government. The price of gold will be well over $2,500 per ounce. Most importantly, commodities will no longer be priced in dollars either, but instead in the currencies of the leading producer. Americans haven't experienced anything like this since the Great Depression."
Since I wrote that first warning, I have become much more concerned and much more afraid. What the president has done is actually worse — much worse — than even the dire scenario I had envisioned. Not only is the administration planning on enormous deficit spending this year, but the current plan calls for increasing deficit spending for the next decade - spending that will more than double our entire national debt during his presidency.
The Congressional Budget Office produced the following graphic, which compares the deficits of the 1980s and 1990s to the current and future budgets. Assuming Obama remains in power over the next eight years and assuming these deficits aren't actually much larger (which almost always happens), the Congressional Budget office estimates the president's budget will add more than $10 trillion to the total federal debt by 2019 - approximately as much total debt as was outstanding at the beginning of 2007.
Obama plans to borrow more money over the next eight years than all of the other presidents - combined.
It's very hard to put this in perspective. The numbers have become so large they're almost meaningless. "Twenty trillion" has 13 zeros: $20,000,000,000,000. Nobody can think about a number that large. But consider this... In 1980, the entire federal debt totaled $930 million. Assuming we're paying 5% on our debt in 2019, we will spend more money on interest than our entire national debt of 1980.
This level of debt is going to be a huge problem because no one will want to pay the money back - ever. And it can't be financed forever. The poor will blame the rich. The rich will leave and take their wealth offshore. And absolute chaos will follow. The dollar will be completely destroyed.
Now... I know... you're thinking, "I've heard all of this before. But the end of the world somehow doesn't happen. We find a way out."
Not this time. In fact, when I wrote last year that the dollar would cease to be the world's reserve currency much faster than anyone expects, I'm sure no one took me seriously. But since then, we've heard two of the world's leading powers - China and Russia - both openly suggesting a new world reserve currency must be created. Putin is even talking about using gold to settle international trade. It will happen because no one will want to be a creditor to the United States.
"This level of debt is going to be a huge problem because no one will want to pay the money back – ever. And it can't be financed forever. The poor will blame the rich. The rich will leave and take their wealth offshore. And absolute chaos will follow."
As more and more people try to get out of the dollar, the government will be forced to forbid the free exchange of dollars into other currencies - and perhaps even to forbid the purchase of gold bullion. This will happen. I guarantee it. And it will happen during the Obama administration.
That's why it's critical for you to take precautions now, while you still can.
The first thing you should do, if you haven't yet, is buy gold bullion. It's easy: You just call a few coin dealers, find out who offers the lowest premium on bullion, and wire them the money. Once you have the coins, they're easy to hide, easy to store, and easy to transport. There's no law (yet) saying you can't take bullion out of the country. If things start moving that way, you should have enough time to get the bullion out before the law passes. If not... well... you can clip your coins easily and use the gold to pay for whatever you might need.
I also believe you should immediately buy gold stocks. In fact, I'm convinced you'll never have a chance to buy gold stocks this cheaply again... Gold stocks have never been cheaper compared to the price of gold itself. This is an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I truly hope you'll capitalize on it.
The second thing you should do is move as large a percentage of your financial assets as possible out of the country. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about this yet to offer any good advice. I'm working on it.
And the third thing you ought to do is to build a stimulus package for yourself. I realize it's paradoxical. But the coming crisis will make lots of people rich. It's not hard to generate a paper fortune in a huge inflation. All you have to do is own the most important economic assets: energy, communication, and transportation. Thing to do right now is buy the assets you know the government has to have for the economy to function. These assets will remain in private hands, and their values will increase the most.
I can tell you what happens to countries that go bankrupt. I've been to Argentina. I'm familiar with the history of Mexico and Great Britain. We'll see the same things here, shortly: inflation, huge tax increases, capital flight and, eventually, capital controls.
It will probably take decades for Americans to realize socialism doesn't work. But that clarity might not happen during my lifetime. And I don't want my assets to be stuck inside a banana republic in the midst of a huge socialist experiment. I'm graveyard serious: If you do not take precautions and prepare yourself and your family for the inevitable collapse of our currency, you will suffer incredibly over the next decade.
Good investing,
Porter Stansberry
for The Daily Reckoning
Kong Sez:
"Folks...A Bad Moon Rising...Is Clear Evidence Times is Gonna Be Rough"
Bad Moon Rising_Credence Clear Water Rival
In The MeantimeRun For Your Life
From now on, Folks, it's gonna get pretty rough! In fact, downright cussed. Mr. Ugly Will Show Before Long.
But For Now... Keep RunningKeep Your Purse and Scrip With You—Luke 22:36And NowGet Two Guns—Luke 22:36–38Before The New Dude Won't Let You Have Them
Times in America will change rather abruptly. Your WebMasters suggest you check your Medicine Supply/List.We Feel This Is Going To Be A Long, Hard Siege Get Prepared...Time Is Short Now... Other WebPages of Interest: Purifying Water ¦ When The Hell Breaks ¦ Gun PageGalactic Plane
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The Rocks Are Coming
A City Being Stoned
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