Kong Sez
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ChemBio Special Edition Influenza !
Be Ready For This : The Bull Shit Is Flying Out There
Kong Sez:
Dr. "B" has been astute and warned us way in advance that an Influenza Pandemic is coming. He wrote of it in his book: Chemical/Biological WarFare: How You Can Survive, a few years back. The alarm and warning was also sent out on Chembiological.net under 'Questions for The Doctor: Beta_Blockers.html.'
I called him and asked if there is anything new that he could give us to help us prepare for this cataclysmic response to a pandemic, if it comes. His fourth edition of Chemical/Biological WarFare: How You Can Survive, not out yet, contains more information. From his new book and 'Questions for The Doctor,' he added to what follows:
I have been hearing a lot about "cytokine storm" lately. This is in reference to the 1918-1919 pandemic influenza attack that killed millions. Everywhere it is being said that this is what made the pandemic of that time so deadly. If I recall correctly, you--from your research studies--had already reasoned this out years ago, and what to do about it. You said that what killed the victims then, was that in their bodies there was: "An exaggerated inflammatory response to the viral invasion, which generated an immense immune response. And this is what killed the victims" Can you elaborate on this?
Answer: When the 1918 flu struck, it was shocking in the manner in which it killed! It killed rather suddenly---within days of contracting this particular virus. And, as you have stated, it did so by creating an: - Exaggerated inflammatory response, which called forth
- A sudden and immense immune response.
Also, that particular virus did something that no other particular virus had done, that we know of, before in history. This was to affect the hypothalamic or pituitary portion of the brain, and that reaction affected the adrenal cortex, such that it caused the body to shut down all or most of its secretions of Cortisol, the necessary hormone to tame the exaggerated inflammatory and immune response. These two things constitute a "cytokine storm,"---chemical messengers between immune cells and others cells. This communication is usually normal; but in the case of "cytokine storm," the communication is overly done, with disastrous results.
In the third edition of Safe Uses of Cortisol, Dr. William McK. Jefferies writes:"We now know that the influenza virus attacks the human body by impairing the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which, in turn, impairs the production of cortisol, the only hormone that is absolutely essential for life."
Hypothalamus (Secretes) Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH) To The Anterior Pituitary Causing It To Secrete Corticotropin (ACTH) To The Bloodstream to Reach the Adrenal Glands, Causing them to Secrete Cortisol — Tortora, Funge, and Case, Principles of Anatomy & Physiology,10th. Edition, pp. 597, 599.
It is now known that the great influenza epidemic of 1918 stopped or blocked, in the brain, the process(es) that would cause the adrenal glands to be stimulated and release cortisol. In the terrible flu epidemic of 1918, the adrenal glands never got the signal. According to William McK. Jefferies in Safe Uses of Cortisol, it appears that all influenza viruses impair the ACTH hormone to some degree, but the flu of 1918 practically shut it down.
Cytokines are "Soluble substances secreted by cells, which have a variety of effects on other cells," according to the Fourth and Fifth Edition, Immunology: A Short Course by Benjamini et al., Wiley-Liss. The authors further write:
"Cytokines play a key role in the inflammatory response. Interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 (IL-1, IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) are among the most important cytokines involved.
"These cytokines released by activated macrophages induce adhesion molecules on the walls of vascular endothelial cells to which neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes adhere before moving out of the vessel through a process called extravasation, to the affected tissue. These cytokines also induce coagulation and increased vascular permeability. Other cytokines, including IL-8 and interferon-gamma, exert additional effects such as increased chemotaxis for leukocytes and increased phagocytosis.
"All these effects result in the accumulation of fluid (edema) and leukocytic cells in the injured areas. These in turn, amplify the response further since additional biologically active compounds are transported in the fluid and also are released from the accumulated cells, attracting and activating still more cells."
This way, one would not have drowned in his own fluids, had the Cortisol secretion not been shut off, for the lungs became a soggy, bloody mass of fluid and tissue within days and with no means to control it and allow the body overcome the occurring situation.
I am hearing everything to ingest to stop the flu or to lessen its effects, from one vitamin tablet daily to numerous special herbs, antioxidants, and specialty products such as oil of oregano and other essential oils. This is all well and good, be in shape biochemically and physically, going into any type of dysfunction.
Note: For the Bird Flu, Consider...The following are given only as guidelines for your thinking and your physician (if he is still alive) and not intended to treat. It is only a suggestion. Take it in that light. - Tamiflu (Prescription Medication): have it on hand; but, it may not work! We have evidence of this happening in Asia where one or two people were administered the medication when struck with "Bird" flu and it did not save them.
- We now prefer Ribavirin (Prescription Medication), a hepatitis C drug that has been found to stop replication of the influenza virus when original researchers ingested it themselves after seeing the results on laboratory animals that had hepatitis C and had developed influenza. When given the drug, it stopped the flu within days. The same occurred in the lab scientists who reasoned, "Why not?...let's try it," when they came down with the viral flu infection--- See previous editions of Update.
- Prednisone, 10 mg scored tablets; 100 tablets (Prescription Medication). This is taking the place of Cortisol. It is suggested if this coming pandemic is extremely virulent---kills within a few days or sooner, that if one contracts this virulence, then start within hours of such contraction, 1/2 tablet morning and evening, increasing one tablet in the morning and one in the evening to control the exaggerated inflammatory response. You may need to even increase the dosage by 1/2 tablet or more if the inflammation shows no signs of abating within two days and appears to be definitely increasing, and you're still alive. This is given only as a guideline for your thinking and your physician (if he is still alive) and not intended to treat. It is only a suggestion. Take it in that light.
- Excess iron stores in tissues: Many scientists now feel, because iron is added to everything, most adults have too much iron in their tissues, though serum blood tests are normal. Therefore, we suggest---if there are no contraindications (anemia, cancer, etc.)---donate blood every 56 days to lower iron stores. Bacteria and viruses use iron differently from one another, with bacteria using it the most; but viruses do use it.
- Vitamins A & D: We suggest one start now on (adults) Vitamin A: 25,000 units with 1,000 units vitamin D as a combination. Carlson makes this amalgam. We also suggest Vitamin D by itself by Carlson products also. The Vitamin D: 1,000 units. Both should be taken daily. The vitamin A helps, not known by many, with proper utilization of protein. Those who follow high protein diets need true vitamin A. This is used in numerous reactions in the body.
This is an animal product; not found in fruits, vegetables, leafy green vegetables and seeds and grains. What you find in vegetables is beta-carotene. Depending upon your diet, status of your liver, and thyroid health, and if you're a diabetic, you may not be converting beta-carotene into true vitamin A. Beta-carotene is provitamin A. Get the real thing!
We still see books by MDs, nutritionists, and others saying you get vitamin A in fruits and vegetables. You get it only from organ meats, COD liver oil, egg yolks, real lard, butter and similar ilk. Give children COD liver oil. Under one year of age, a few drops from an eye-dropper daily, after two weeks old. Older, up to a teaspoon or two daily after age of three months.
Dr. "B" ingests 50,000 IU daily of Vitamin A and between 4,000 to 5,000 IU of Vitamine D Daily. He has been doing this for years.
- Vitamin D is now receiving the reputation of The Antibiotic Vitamin, so writes Science News, November 11, 2006, vol. 170. They point out "that vitamin D boosts production in white blood cells of one of the antimicrobial compounds that defends the body against germs." The effective antimicrobial agent production that is ratcheted up in the white cells by vitamin D is Cathelicidin. This substance, found in white cells (macrophages are one of the lymphocytes in the white cell gang) and ratcheted up by vitamin D, punches holes in the bacterial or viral membrane and lets its cell machinery flood out, destroying the microbial.
"Macrophages are a key early component in the host defense to many viruses, and the interaction of viruses with macrophages is a critical determinant of the outcome of infection" — Emerging Viruses, Edited by Stephen S. Morse, page 75.
- The question is why does the influenza virus always attack the upper respiratory tract? What, if any, was the evolutionary response to cause this, such that it is this area that is always attacked; not others, except associated structures, but especially the upper respiratory tract? However, the terrible influenza epidemic of 1918 went straight to the lungs. It is felt that a mutation of the flu caused it to go to specialized structures in the lungs known as receptor sites, different from other receptor sites in the organism.
There are structures on the cells of the upper respiratory tract that do not appear to be expressed elsewhere. They are a special form of adhesion molecules. This protein structure appears to have an affinity for certain structures on the virion (virus) in that the virus uses these proteins on its surface to attach to the designated tissue; otherwise it would be degraded by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (white cells) and other phagocytic (to eat) cells of the body. Under the circumstances of adhesion molecules, it might be prudent to add to your armamentarium list, Benadryl or some such similar, and later, cimetidine---all over the counter medications. Be warned, however, cimetidine does slow down thyroid activity.
- It appears that the reason influenza attacks during the winter months and reaches its peak between December to March is because of low sunlight. The Northern hemisphere has the most population that registers this malady because there is very little Sun in the winter. Coupled with the fact that people avoid the Sun for cancer fears, little vitamin D is produced. And this is hypothesized by a number of scientists now to be one of the main causes for influenza appearing in the winter months, and being so virulent.
- "Black people, because of the sun-filtering effect of dark pigments in their skin, are far more likely than whites to be vitamin D deficient."---Science News 10/16/04, p. 248.
In view of the established fact that illegal aliens now entering the country, bringing with them a resistant strain of tuberculosis, we will undoubtedly witness more infections. At particular risk are black American citizens.
Science News writes in the November 11, 2006, Vol. 170:
"...blacks tend to be more susceptible to TB than whites and to develop a more severe illness when infected."
Knowing the above and the fact that flu, colds, and any respiratory disease generated during the winter months occurs with greater frequency and severity than that which occurs during the summer months, it would be wise to start now to ingest Cod Liver Oil (COD) daily.
One may consider Carlson Norwegian COD Liver Oil with Lemon Taste. Adults may consider 1 - 2 tablespoons per day and consume additionally Carlson Vitamin A & D (25,000 A/1000 D) once per day. I, additionally, have my patients on Carlson Vitamin D 1000 IU daily.
If an Influenza Pandemic strikes the U.S., then increase vitamin D to 3,000 IU daily and maintain vitamin A at 25,000 IU per day.
However, your WebMasters do not recommend COD Liver Oil anymore, except for infants and small children, because of the unsaturates. Polyunsaturates are immunosuppressive.
Dr. Ray Peat, with research, says in Oils In Context:
"Intravenous feeding with unsaturated fats is powerfully immunosuppressive (though it often was used to give more calories to cancer patients) and is now advocated as a way to prevent graft rejection. The deadly effect of the long–chain unsaturated fats on the immune system has led to the development of new products containing short and medium–chain saturated fats for intraveneous feeding."
One finds the latter in coconut oil.
Dr. Peat continues:
"It was recently reported that the anti–inflammatory effect of n–3 (omega 3) fatty acids (fish oil) might be related to the observed suppression of interleukin–1 and tumor necrosis factor by those fats. The suppression of these anti–tumor immune factors persists after the fish oil treatment is stopped."
He then writes about what Dr. Brocato has been speaking about on this WebSite, ChemicalBiological.net: That excess stress is extremely destructive. Brocato has quoted Textbook of Medical Physiology, by Guyton and Hall, 6th, 9th, and 11th editions, as pointing out that Cortisol, the stress hormone, has the ability to reduce the effectiveness of the immune system.
"Stress and hypoxia can cause cells to take up large amounts of fatty acids. Cortisol's ability to kill white blood cells (which can be inhibited by extra glucose) is undoubtedly an important part of its immunosuppressive effect, and this killing is mediated by causing the cells to take up unsaturated fats.
"Several aspects of the immune system are improved by short–chain saturated fats."
The saturated fats have anti–histamine action, whereas, unsaturated fats (aka polyunsaturated fats, as in Omega 6s and 3s, canola oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, etc.) have an immunosuppressive effect by way of histamine, Dr. Peat writes.
He further says that "Unsaturated fats have been found to cause degranulation of mast cells. When this happens, histamine floods into tissues causing "blood vessels to become dilated and leaky, and is largly to blame for the best recognized symptoms of anaphylaxis (against protection): runny nose, itching reddened skin (hives), and watery eyes, writes Dr. Elaine N. Marieb in the Sixth Edition of her book, Human Anatomy & Physiology.
Histamine also causes "Outpouring of fluid from capillaries," and a dangerous lowering of blood pressure if the allergic response is severe. "Release of mucus," and "constriction of small respiratory passages (bronchioles)," in lung tissue causing symptoms of asthma, she additionally writes.
Kong Sez:
Recently, May/April, 2009, there has been circulating on the internet a communique, with the auspicies of officialdom as it claimed to be from a physician at a large medical center. The communique told people to go to a local health food store and get N–acetyl cysteine, commonly called "NAC." Nutritionists, physician's offices, physicians, and nurses, accupuncturists, and many others are telling people to get NAC to stop the flu.
If any biochemistry was known in the least; or, nutritional chemistry; or, physiological chemistry, this nonsense would not have been perpetrated. It is sheer nonsense. Then, the people that were wanting the substance actually told Dr. "B" that this modality would generate glutathione and that was what would kill the flu virus. More pure Bull Shit!
Glutathione is a tripeptide antioxidant found in many to most tissues, especially the liver. To follow suit and assume you are going to kill the "bug" with this is ludicrously egregious. It is like telling one to take antibiotics to kill the flu bug. It "ain't" gonna do it.
This is pure "bovine defecation."
Dr. Brocato does, however, suggest one take guaifenesin, an expectorant, such as Robitussin®, if the influenza goes to the lungs. This will help you expectorate the mucus formed.
Now ! He does suggest one can take NAC if the influenza strikes to aid in clearing the lungs by liquifying the polysaccharide secretions. The problem, he suggests: They do not take enough. And each dose must be taken with a full glass of water. He recommends two–five hundred milligram (500 mg) tablets/capsules, six to eight times daily, when under such a biochemical seige.
He finds, however, the guaifenesin is more expedient and works faster.
Incidentally, the communication was withdrawn by the large medical complex, and the physician claims he was misquoted, and people misunderstood. We asked Dr. Brocato. He said, "More bovine defecation. How can the communication be misunderstood when it stated outright to take NAC for the flu?
If such an allergic response involves the entire body, it is known as an anaphylactic shock. If medical attention is not swift and aggressive, as for certain individuals allergic to bee stings or spider bites, the overall response is the same as a local response(s), and with mast cells and basophils enlisted throughout the entire body and not locally, the result of the attack is life threatening.
With this small bit of knowledge, it may be the better wisdom to avoid the "so–called" essential fatty acids. Your WebMasters feel the present situation with the Swine Flu may come to naught. But, they warned: Watch out for 2010 to 2011 and 3/4s. We are long overdue for an influenza pandemic—a world–wide flu, killing over a billion or so people!
It might be prudent to avoid unsaturated fats. They inhibit the immune system. Dr. "B" thinks the teen group and infants will succumb rapidly as they are eating or fed the so–called "essential fatty" acids in one form or another. Though, none is immune from the pandemic coming. By taking certain percautions, one enhances his chances of survival, hopefully.
Benedryl® would be a good item to have on hand and take to limit or hold in check some of the histaminic responses. Coconut oil is another item to be on now. The coconut oil contains nearly 50% of a 12-carbon saturated fat, lauric acid. The body converts this into mono-laurin, which effectively kills "parasites, yeast, viruses and pathogenic bacteria in the gut." Your WebMasters recommend the unrefined oil from Spectrum, Virgin Coconut Oil. You can also get from your natural food store, Monolaurin from Ecological Formulas, 90 capsules, 300 mg per capsule.
Note This:
The unsaturated fats you ingest today have a half–life of nearly 600 days to be totally one–half out of the body. In other words, the fat you eat today that is unsaturated takes about 600 days before half is removed from the body. That is about 2 years (1.7 years) for one–half of the polyunsaturated fats to be oxidized out from the organism. It takes another 1.7 years (nearly 2 years) for the remainder to be removed. Thus, those type of fats you ate today will require nearly 4 years for removal.
This also includes other fats.
And what happens if we are struck by an influenza pandemic? If you've been keeping up with the ChemBioUpdates, then you know, a Killing Mechanism is now knocking at our doors.
- Lactoferrin is a protein you can get at natural food stores. Lactoferrin in mother's milk has been shown to boost immune activity and reduce inflammation. This substance might be advantageous to have on hand; it just may give the body a fighting chance. Lactoferrin fights fungi, bacteria, and viruses. It even fights urinary-tract infections after it is degraded in digestion. Its fragments fight these infections as it is eliminated in the urine.
The two outstanding problems that may surface again with a flu pandemic is an exaggerated inflammatory response and an intense over-reaction of the immune system.
Lactoferrin reduces inflammatory over-reactions of the immune system. Get the Life Extension Brand of lactoferrin.
- Immune System: I am hearing nutritionists, physicians and laypersons now using the term "Cytokine Storm." They are associating this with the Bird Flu that may hit our shores next year or so; or, sooner. Then, these well-meaning people say, "Build your immune system....take this and this....and that...." I don't think they realize what they are saying or what a "Cytokine Storm" is! The two are incongruous in this case.
Recall from one of The Updates you are quoting from, I pointed out that textbooks, research papers, and various virologists have commented that the young were the ones most virulently attacked by the 1918 flu. Infants and elderly died too, but primarily the young in their prime. Why?---they did not know then, but only recently discovered the reason---Because their immune system was in its prime also, and this created the "cytokine storm" everyone is now talking about and probably do not know what it really means, except for bacteriologists/microbiologists and virologists.
- Bunker Mode: If a pandemic of any nature with extreme virulence hits our shores, the only thing to do is to stay out of harm's way! Hunker down. Stay within. Do not go out. Let it pass over. Then, another problem surfaces...and all the time this necessitates having:
- Food storage program.
- Water Stored and knowledge of water purification.
- Sanitation properly done (digging a latrine and where).
- Medicine List.
- Fire Arm(s) for safety, including a shotgun, long rifle, and a .22 rifle and more than enough ammunition.
- Soft or Hard Face Mask, lightly saturated with Eucalyptus oil. The mask, it has been shown, will allow virions to breach its implied safety, but the Eucalyptus oil may help in
controlling the entry of the virus into the nasal and pharynx area (nose and throat).
Why all this: Because estimates range from 20 to 60 million dead; now some researchers are estimating 80 million dead. Shipments will be delayed for weeks to months. The work force will be devastated. This is a breakdown in the division of labor. A major disadvantage to the extensive division of labor as practiced in American society today is:
Growing dependency: a break in production may cause problems to the entire process.
Civil services (police, fire, garbage pickup, etc.) will be gone. Deliveries disrupted or absent. This all will generate a "madness" in people to take what they want. There will be confusion, chaos, and gangs plundering for three things:
Get Prepared! The Life you save will be your own! Don't depend on others....and this means wives and husbands. Everybody has to carry part of the load. But you want somebody standing by you whom you can trust when you're in trouble.
If a billion or more people die from the coming pandemic, the aftermath on people will be horrendous, especially Cortisol wise. Brain tissue will deteriorate in many. Permanent memory loss will occur in numberless peoples of the world.
However, just being involved in the pandemic before it burns itself out will cause chronic stress and this generates chronic Cortisol elevations, with immune systems giving way to ordinary infections. Other problems in the organism will surface because of the Cortisol crisis.
If you make it through the Influenza Pandemic or any other Pandemic, You will need Cortisol Control by Vitamin Research Products to control the Cortisol sustained release and tamp it down to normal levels.
And From Dr. Brocato's New Book Coming Soon
This Small Exercpt :
Let me tell you an amazing story. By the spring of 1918, the flu pandemic some call the Great Swine Flu, had spread out over the world; WW I was raging. The flu at first was no big deal; people got sick, felt out of sorts, developed aches and pains, and so forth.
Some called it "the three–day flu," because after three days or so, it ameliorated. That summer, the flu appeared to have died out, but in the fall, it returned with a vengeance. On, July 12, 1917, the Germans first released mustard gas at Ypres, Belgium. It was used extensively after this, especially in the fall by September 20, 1918, against the British. Mustard gas is a known mutagen.
The flu changed, seemingly, overnight, into a "killer flu," — the Spanish Maiden. Doughboys, as they were called then, helped spread it to the world, some experts contend, when they came home from battle.
How the Great Influenza epidemic of 1918, came about incorporates two other views. One idea proposes that when soldiers burned stacks of manure, a violent March storm blew dust over Fort Riley, Kansas, where the incineration took place. In some way, this may have served to cause an epidemic (ordinary) influenza virus to undergo a antigenic shift (genetic shift) involving a major mutagenic change in the harmless strain to become a pandemic (worldwide) virulent strain.
The other view is that influenza broke out among hogs in September, 1918, at an Iowa breeders' swine show. Perhaps this is why we still reference the most inconceivable epidemic of the twentieth century as "The Great Swine Flu." It too, must have mutated.
It is believed that pandemics may result from an antigenic shift when two different viral strains infect a cell. The reason is because there are no prior antibody binding sites from a previous virus that gradually changed, which would still maintain some antibody sites. This is why a second infection of the flu is generally mild. There are memory cells ready to spring into action, cranking out antibodies from a similar, but gradually changing virus. This gradually changing virus is known as antigenic drift (genetic drift). Thus, protection is lost bit-by-bit as antigenic drift is occurring.
However, with antigenic shift involving a major change, you have no memory cells ready to go into action to spew out antibodies to recognize the new virus. They recognize the old virus.
The Elliotts, authors of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Oxford, say the 1918 pandemic of influenza is believed to have been caused by rearrangement of two viruses between an avian and human strain of influenza. It is estimated to have caused the death of 20 million people. However, some investrigators feel this many died in India alone.
Because The Great Flu epidemic of 1918 resembled the Spanish flu epidemic of 1893, it became known as the "Spanish Flu or Maiden."
Instead of soldiers bringing the flu epidemic of 1918 home with them, some record that American soldiers experienced the flu first and carried it to the European theater of war; first to England, then France and Germany. German historians write that the ending of the First World War was influenced by the great pandemic of 1918–1919. The effects of the flu were broad and far reaching to Germany's war effort. They contend that it was not U.S. soldiers coming to Europe that was the main cause of Germany losing the war, it was what came with the U.S. soldiers…the virus.
The thing that was so shocking to many is that this flu killed so many young soldiers, allies and enemy, in their prime. Not only did it not stop there, large losses of young civilians occurred equally as well. Deaths developed in the 20 to 40 age group.
Some medical practitioners believe that when new emerging diseases erupt, their lethal effects are
experienced more in this age group because the immune response, involving antibodies, generates such an elaborated reaction
to the infectious microbe, it amplifies the pathogens' body reaction through an exaggerated inflammatory response.
Reread the above. If an exaggerated inflammatory response occurs, you may not have enough Cortisol flowing. And your physician often orders Prednisone. On the other hand, if too much Cortisol is flowing, muscle mass and bone are lost, Cortisol Control—mentioned above—would be advantageous to have on hand.
At the height of the Pandemic coming, it would be advisible to have these two items on hand for use, as you will probably not get into a hospital, nor see a doctor. Your rule of thumb would be...and this can be dangerous...if people are having exceedingly high fever (102 to 104 degrees F) and are dying within three or four days of contracting the influenza, then, and since you can't get a morning Cortisol test performed with blood drawn prior to 8:00 AM, you will have to make a judgement call and treat yourself. This is dangerous. On the other hand, if you are suffering the infection and "hanging on" and losing weight and muscle mass simultaneously over two to three weeks, one of your WebMasters suggests Cortisol Control taken several times daily.
Folks! Kong here:
This is gonna be a hard row to hoe! Times will be extremely rough. Food and services will not be moving, except what the government doles out. Get prepared in the little time left with what you can do and get. Nutrition will be extremely important under a Pandemic Situation.
Also, there are a lot of new mutagens out there that are not mustard gas! And this is what is concerning CDC officials.
If you are a typical American eating a highly refined starchy diet, the body generates more insulin and cortisol, with a simultaneous decrease in advantageous hormones, such as growth hormone (GH) and DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone).
Excess cortisol is associated with bone loss, breakdown of muscle tissue, brain damage, and brain aging (poor cognitive function, memory, etc.), and depression. One also under chronic stress, with cortisol generation staying at a high constant level has been indicated in a normal society for weight gain. But, if horrendous stress is about, as that that would be occurring under pandemic conditions, and break–down in goods and services (the division of labor goes down), humans will shrivel up.
Hypercortisolism also, among other things decreases thyroid hormones. Polyunsaturated fats (unsaturate fats) inhibit thyroid hormone (TH) release and usage of TH at the tissue level. EPA, the highly unsaturated fatty acid is the most immunosuppressive of the fats. Thyroid hormone helps with the immune response, which involves T– and B–cells, and antibodies. Other cells involved in the immune process are monocytes, macrophages, mast cells, and neutrophils. Some scientists point to history and research that the highly refined carbohydrate diet increases heart disease and degenerative disorders, as well as cancer.
Cortisol, the best known steroid from the adrenal gland, does a number of things in the human body: depresses immune responses and has an anti–inflammatory action which reduces the redness, heat, pain, and swelling when tissues are damaged by infection with bacteria, viruses, by damage through trauma; or, practically any other way.
Slate–wipers of the world's adult young have happened in past history, with the Great Flu epidemic of 1918–1919 being the latest. We often think that the very young or very old will be lost first—and a world epidemic will incur great losses in this group too. They are the principal victims, but the adult young had a higher rate of mortality during the pandemic of 1918–1919. This age group may be a greater loss to their country should this happen again.
There appears to be another reason why the adult young are the hardest hit in an epidemic, other than an elaborated immune response involving antigens and antibodies. As one ages, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and sulfated by the body to become DHEAS, is significantly reduced in elderly persons, even though they are healthy. As DHEAS drops, so does the reaction of nonspecific defense cells known as "natural killer" cells. These are lymphocytic cells that roam the lymph and blood, killing cancer and virus–infected cells. They act without involvement of an antigen, but they do participate in antibody–dependent cell–mediated cytotoxicity.
Scientists suggest, Dr. Alcamo writes on page 377, in the Sixth Edition of Fundamentals of Microbiology,
"A protein called interleukin–6 is produced by white blood cells of the immune system (its T–lymphocytes). Acting like a hormone, the protein travels to other white blood cells (the phagocytes), where it encourages an immune response to disease.
"When too much interleukin–6 is produced, however, tissue inflammation develops, and fever, achiness, and extreme exhaustion follow.
"That's where the flu and common cold viruses come in. Working with student volunteers, scientist from various institutions have found that respiratory viruses stimulate the production of excessive amounts of interleukin–6 during infection. Their studies, reported in 1998, confirm that the amount of interleukin–6 in nasal washings is directly proportional to the amount of virus present and the severity of respiratory symptoms.
"Essentially, they point out, the body's response helps fight the infection but makes us miserable as well. The trick, researchers say, is for the body to produce enough interleukin–6 to combat the virus, but not so much that we have to suffer the symptoms of illness. Apparently the body has not yet learned the trick."
Interleukins are also known as lymphokines; also called cytokines.
In persons that are young and healthy, who have all the above qualities of biochemical defense working well, then they have a more vigorous response. The more virulent the disease process, the response in a young individual may be more vigorous. And therein lies the problem...and damage to the body. A competition exists for supremacy between the "bug" and the body. When the "fever breaks," and one goes into the Period of Decline of the disease process, the body has achieved supremacy over the microbe.
DHEA is produced by the adrenal glands. And in the young, Natural Killer Cells are up and roaming, and searching and destroying. Now, let's tie this all together from the basic facts you have.
DHEA ingestion restores normal production of cytokine production in an aging immune system. It does this by suppressing excessive production of interleukin–6 (IL–6) by 75%. Here's the rub: DHEA increases IL–2 by almost 50%. A young person with infection, such as with the flu, may rev more than normal under such circumstances and thus, have a much harder time than an elderly. One must watch for secondary infections in both classes of people; but especially the aged — Inserra et al. (1998).
The Natural Killer (NK) cells are stimulated by IL–2. The cytokine (IL–2) also assists in T–helper cell stimulation when antigen(s) are present. An antigen is any substance that, once in the body, ellicits a specific antibody (B–cell) formation, and the antigen reacts with that antibody. The IL–2 also causes differentiation of B cells, and the activation of T–cells.
Thus, one can see that if they are taking DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), they may just imitate the vigorous biochemistry response of a young person in the Competition for Supremacy battle. They may just lose the battle if their entire biochemistry and hormone levels and health are not up to that of a younger person.
This second reason means there was probably less elaborated inflammatory response in the elderly as opposed to the young adults, that facilitated the death of the young. Other than viruses killing by rupturing infected host cells when they are released, since they produce no extracellular proteases or toxins; are not considered alive; cannot reproduce on their own, then how do they cause disease, other than killing the host cells they infect? They have the capacity to cause an infected host cell to produce a product "which itself could cause disease," writes Harvard Medical School microbiologist, Bernard Fields, in Emerging Viruses. These products are cytokines.
But some of you are on DHEA because it is so good for a number of conditions, what's one to do? Our suggestion: stay on DHEA and add to it Nettle Leaf Extract, and the Boswella herb extract to tame the exaggerated inflammatory response. Also include GLA which generates PGE1 (a potent anti–inflammatory) and Prostacylin (PGI2), a vasoprotective agent. Curcumin, the active antioxidant ingredient from the Indian herb, tumeric, has anti–viral, anti–cancer, and anti–inflammatory effects which would help in this process also.
But! With all the polyunsaturated fatty acids (unsaturates) people, including the very young and the teen group, consume, they have biochemically—at least, in so far as the immune system goes, placed themselves in the same catagory of the aged: The immune system is inhibited greatly. The next great pandemic that turns killer will demonstrate this graphically. You elderly with sense, the young may go down much, much faster because they are eating all the wrong foods, especially the fats, and you are on DHEA and other things.
The very young's immune system is still developing. The unsaturated fatty acids now being fed to them one can only wonder, since these fats do inhibit or slow down immune functioning.
In 1918–1919, the young adults often died within hours of flu manifestation. Generally the virus invades the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, middle ear and eustachian tubes), but the flu of 1918 changed and invaded the lungs, causing a deadly viral pneumonia. The usual cause of death from flu is not from the flu virus, but from secondary bacterial infections, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, or Hemophilus influenzae. For this, have a broad–based antibiotic on hand, such a tetracycline, 500 mg.
Remember! We are not practicing medicine. We are only suggesting what one might do to enhance their chances of survival...no more...no less, when a whole world is going down. You will have to do for yourself and have someone you trust stand by you. If over a billion or more, or less, people get hit in the future with a real Pandemic, will only the rich and famous and Congressmen be treated with dwindling supplies and dwindling medical staff, as tent hospitals go up?
Ask yourself now: With all the illegals allowed in this country, will I be able to get a place in line to be treated?
If an emerging virus or plague strikes the world, and millions of able–bodied citizens are lost to countries like America, Britain, Europe, Russia and China, and third–world countries practically annihilated, we are warned to expect demoralization and despair.
The reason is because we have not been prepared for such a catastrophe, even if it is epidemic only to the U.S. The glue that holds the population together will come undone, with great potential for disintegration. We can expect panic, disarray, chaos and confusion.
The populace at large finds it extremely difficult, in a massive epidemic, to spiritually and materially hold onto society's structure. Desowitz writes in Tropical Diseases, p. 101, that when yellow fever struck Philadelphia in late summer in 1793, a population close to 50,000 was almost decimated. By late autumn over 5000 people had died.
He writes,
"There is panic in the streets. Brotherly love, ‘fortitude and constancy' is but a fiction of Charles Brown," a writer of that time.
"Individual acts of kindness and love do occur, but for the most part the survivors abandon the ill and dying. Husbands leave their sick wives, and wives their sick husbands; children abandon their parent, and parents their children.
The city is paralyzed; banks shut their doors, newspapers close their presses, civic administration comes to a halt. Philadelphia in the grip of the 1793 yellow fever epidemic is as numbed by terror as London during the bubonic plague."
Panic, despair and demoralization reign supreme.
Often, in times past, a catastrophe like this has resulted in a breakdown of several societies of that time, and after a while, the comingling with immigrants and refugees from the outside the societies, resulted in a whole new society and thought process. Population became blended into an amalgam.
We have been told by the CDC we are overdue for another influenza pandemic.
The Development Of
Disease :
The above picture, "Droplet Transmission," demonstrates the particle spray during a sneeze. "In droplet transmission, microbes are spread in mucus droplets that are discharged into the air by coughing, sneezing, laughing, or talking and travel less than 1 meter (3.28 feet) from reservoir to host" — Tortora, Funke, Case, Microbiology: An Introduction, Sixth Edition, page 407.
Reservoir: A source of disease (pathogen). Host: "An organism whose body provides nourishment and shelter for a parasite" —Oxford Dictionary of Biology.
Writing in the Fifth Edition of Fundamentals of Microbiology, textbook author, Dr. I. Edward Alcamo, Ph.D, points out:
A cough/sneeze projects approximately 4600 droplets of particles outward at a muzzle velocity of 152 feet per second.
With a possible influenza pandemic coming, it would be wise to avoid crowds where coughing and sneezing may be or have just occurred. These droplets from coughing and sneezing are considered one type of airborne transmission and may contain microbes of extreme virulence (ability to cause disease). The droplets are small enough such that they may remain airborn for hours. Avoid parties, crowds, and so forth.
In the Fifth Edition of Fundamentals of Microbiology, Professor Alcamo writes on page 544:
"Scientists believe that the droplets from a single sneeze hang suspended in the air for up to 30 minutes, and collectively may contain over 35 million viruses"
Droplets are "tiny particles of mucus expelled from the respiratory tract in a cough or sneeze."
Dr. Alcamo writes in the Sixth Edition of Fundamentals of Microbiology, page 373, this discription of influenza:
"The onset of influenza is abrupt, with sudden chills, fatigue, headache, and pain most pronounced in the chest, back, and legs. Over a 24–hour period, body temperature can rise to 1040F, and a severe cough develops. Patients experience nasal congestion, dry throat, and tight chest, the latter a probable reflection of viral invasion of tissues of the trachea and bronchi. Despite these severe symptoms, influenza is normally short–lived and has a favorable prognosis. The disease is self–limiting and usually resolves in 1 week to 10 days, although certain outbreaks raise public health concerns. Secondary complications may occur if bacteria such as staphylococci or Haemophilus influenzae (Pfeiffer's bacillus) invade the damaged respiratory tissue."
In Microbiology: An Introduction, Fifth Edition, authors, Tortora, Funge, and Case, point out:
Development of Disease
When the defenses of the host are overcome by the microorganism, the disease follows certain lines of progression. They are as follows:
- Period of Incubation (No Signs or Symptoms):
"The period of incubation is the time interval between the initial infection and the first appearance of any signs or symptons.
- Prodromal Period (Mild Signs or Symptoms):
"The prodromal period is a relatively short period that follows the period of incubation in some diseases. The prodromal period is characterized by early, mild symptoms of disease, such as general aches and malaise, and certain very specific symptoms." Malaise is a feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness or out–of–sorts.
- Period of Illness (Death if immune responses and/or medical treatments fail):
"During the period of illness, the disease is most acute. The person exhibits overt signs and symptoms of disease, such as:
- Fever,
- Chills,
- Muscle pain (myalgia),
- Sensitivity to light (photophobia),
- Sore throat (pharyngitis),
- Lymph node enlargement (lymphadenopathy), and
- Gastrointestinal disturbances."
"During the period of illness, the number of white blood cells may increase or decrease. Generally, the patient's immune response and other defense mechanisms overcome the pathogen, and the period of illness ends. When the disease is not successfully overcome (or successfully treated), the patient dies during this period."
- Period of Decline:
"During the period of decline, the signs and symptoms subside. The fever decreases, and the feeling of malaise diminishes. During this phase, which may take from less than 24 hours to several days, the patient is vulnerable to secondary infections."
Note 1:
The secondary infections are often, some writers feel, the thing that takes one out. Hence, give supportive treatment in the continued form of good nutrition and administer antibiotics during this time and prior to it, some suggest.
Note 2:
The fever that accompanies an infectious disease occurs because this is an inflammatory response in which fever is one of the processes the body uses to control the pathogen that has entered the body. The fever causes denaturation of the pathogen's proteins and aids in killing the microbe. However, if the fever goes too high, it may just denature you! See: Protein Bond Denaturation
When patients had high fevers of old, especially in the pioneer days, the doctor would say "His fever broke, he'll start getting better now." He judged this from the fact that the body's cell metabolism increased, and blood vessels constrict during the illness. This causes blood to be mainly denied to the skin and therefore, the heat is kept in the body and not radiated (lost) to its surroundings. The patient will feel cold to the touch and experience chills along with the fever. His skin will feel dry.
But, when the fever "breaks," prodigious sweating occurs. This is common, and normal skin tone (color) returns as the blood vessels now are dilating again. From this, he can infer, the conditions and processes biochemically that caused the fever, have been overcome by the organism...in this case, the body.
The old country doctor often announced that "The crisis period is over!" The patient now moves into the period of convalescence.
- Period of Convalescence:
"During the period of convalescence, the person regains strength and the body returns to its prediseased state. Recovery has occurred.
"We all know that during the period of illness, people can serve as reservoirs of disease and can easily spread infections to other people. However you should also know that people can spread infection during incubation and convalescence (WebMaster's Emphasis). This is especially true of diseases such as typhoid fever and cholera, in which the convalescing person carries the pathogenic micoorganism for months or even years."
The point to garner is that during all the five periods of disease, one can be infected.
What Happened During The Great Influenza Epidemic
We turn to Dr. Alcamo again. Writing in the Sixth Edition of Fundamentals of Microbiology:
"At the time, influenza was called Spanish flu because it resembled an epidemic originating in Spain in 1893. American soldiers were the first to experience it, and as they traveled off to World War I in Europe, they carried the disease with them. Germany, France, and Great Britain soon were involved. Most of those affected were in their twenties and thirties—young, healthy, and vigorous.
"The disease struck rich and poor alike, beginning with a cold. By the second day, victims were cyanotic (blue lips and face), and by the fourth or fifth day, they were dead from an overwhelming pneumonia as the lungs filled with fluid.
"On October 6, 1918, the Washington Post recorded 658 fatalities from pneumonia, the most deaths from disease ever recorded in the United States in a single day. Indeed, October 1918 was the deadliest month in U.S. history.
"People adapted as best they could. Some wore camphor balls or bulbs of garlic; others consumed hot peppers or bootleg whiskey as medicinal agents. Public health officials fumigated cars and trains daily with phenol and prohibited standing on a public conveyance. The police arrested people for not wearing masks or for spitting in the streets. Schools were closed, but homework assignments were printed in local papers, and students were expected to mail them in. On the sidewalks, girls skipped rope to:
I had a little birdie His name was enza I opened the window and in–flu–enza.
"Medicinal remedies ranged from aspirin and laxatives to morphine and caffeine. Some people burned sulfur candles; others tried daily enemas. Many houses were trimmed with crepe to signify death—white for babies, purple for younger people, and black for the elderly. Survivors stacked coffins in cemeteries and behind funeral homes, and the army often had to be called in to bury the dead."
In Tennessee, horse or mule drawn wagons went through the streets in the morning and evenings with someone walking in front of the team clanging a loud bell..."Bring out the dead...bring out the dead," they would shout.
"By late 1919,influenza had claimed 20 million lives throughout the world, a figure comparable to deaths from bubonic plague centuries before. Over 500,000 succumbed in the United States in a 10–month period. Some 24,000 American servicemen died of the disease (compared to a total of 34,000 World War I casualties).
Check List For
Influenza Preparations :
When we emerge from this, my, what we will have learned. Common decency, respect, and care for others will return; we will become good stewards of the Earth again.
Kong Sez:
"Folks...You're Gonna Need Someone To Stand With You...but, we're gonna have to wait for times to get better:"
"But first, it is gonna be literal hell for a while! The Killing Mechanism is now up and running. There will be no peace of mind...but, my dear friends...just hang on...just hang on, changes are coming...no doubt!" But first depend on yourself, and have someone stand by you of similar ilk!
In The MeantimeRun For Your Life
From now on, Folks, it's gonna get pretty rough! In fact, downright cussed. Mr. Ugly Will Show Before Long.
But For Now... Keep RunningKeep Your Purse and Scrip With You—Luke 22:36And NowGet Two Guns—Luke 22:36–38Before The New Dude Won't Let You Have Them
Times in America will change rather abruptly. Your WebMasters suggest you check your Medicine Supply/List.We Feel This Is Going To Be A Long, Hard Siege Get Prepared...Time Is Short Now... Other WebPages of Interest: Purifying Water ¦ When The Hell Breaks ¦ Gun PageGalactic Plane
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A City Being Stoned
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